[iMiD 2017] AP Systems, USPL을 통해 FMM의 해답을 찾다

28일 부산 BEXCO에서 개최된 iMiD 2017에서 AP Systems는 USPL(ultra-short pulse laser)로 1000ppi FMM개발에 성공했다고 발표하였다.

FMM은 화소와 RGB 유기물을 증착하는 역할을 하기 때문에 FMM은 OLED의 해상도와 수율을 결정짓는 요소로서 작용된다. 현재 FMM은 주로 전주(etching) 방식으로 제작되고 있다. 이 방식은 미세 패턴의 정밀도와 두께, 무게에 의한 섀도우 현상이 발생하는 문제가 있어, 이를 해결하기 위해 laser 가공, 전해주조(electro-forming)등 다양한 FMM 제조 공정이 개발되고 있다.

이 중 laser 가공 방식은 laser 조사 시 발생하는 열(thermal effect)로 인해 pin-hole 주변에 burr가 형성되는 이슈가 있다. 이러한 burr는 FMM의 섀도우 구간을 증가, RGB 유기물 증착 시 패턴이 겹치는 현상을 야기시킴으로써 OLED의 해상도를 저하시킨다.

AP Systems는 이러한 점을 착안해 burr 현상이 없고, 나아가 taper angle을 제어하는 burr-free laser process을 개발하였다.

Burr-free laser process는 단방향 펄스를 일정 횟수로 나누어 짧게 조사하는 방식으로 연속적으로 laser를 조사하지 않기 때문에 축적되는 열 에너지가 최소화 되어 burr 형성을 막는다. 또한, laser의 energy를 제어함으로써 energy 축적하여 taper를 형성하는 방식이다.

AP Systems는 이 방법을 통해 ‘1170ppi의 FMM 뿐만 아니라 미세 pin-hole의 모양이 사각형 또는 다이아몬드, 다각형 등 다양한 형태를 갖는 FMM도 제작하였다’며 ‘USPL 방식이 적용된 대면적 FMM 제조 장비도 개발하였다’고 설명하였다.

또한, AP Systems는 FMM 제조 장비에 대해 ‘multi-beam과 USPL이 장착되어 있어 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있으며, UHD를 구현할 수 있다’고 덧붙였다.

14년 Galaxy Note4 출시 이후부터 아직까지 OLED의 해상도는 QHD 급에 머물고 있다. 고해상도(UHD급 이상)를 가지는 OLED를 제조하기 위해서는 FMM이 기술적으로 직면하고 있는 다양한 문제를 해결해야 되는 실정이다. 이에 따라 AP Systems의 USPL 기술이 향후 OLED 시장에 어떠한 영향을 미칠지 앞으로의 귀추가 주목된다.

<AP Systems가 제작한 1000ppi FMM>


<다양한 형태의 FMM>

[iMiD 2017] AP Systems, Find FMM answers through USPL

At iMiD 2017 in BEXCO, Busan on 28th, AP Systems announced that it succeeded in developing 1000ppi FMM with USPL (ultra-short pulse laser).

Since FMM plays a role of depositing pixels and RGB organic materials, FMM serves as a factor that determines resolution and yield of OLED. At present, FMM is mainly manufactured by etching method. This method has a problem that a shadow phenomenon due to the precision, thickness, and weight of the fine pattern occurs, in order to solve this problem, various FMM manufacturing processes such as laser processing and electro-forming have been developed.

Among these, laser processing method has an issue of forming burrs around pin-holes due to the thermal effect caused by laser irradiation. These burrs increase the shadow interval of the FMM, which causes overlapping of patterns during RGB organic deposition, thereby degrading the resolution of the OLED.

AP Systems has developed a burr-free laser process that does not have burr phenomenon and further controls the taper angle.

The Burr-free laser process is a short-time irradiation of unidirectional pulses at a constant number of times, since the laser is not continuously irradiated, it minimizes accumulated heat energy and prevents burr formation. In addition, by controlling energy of the laser, it accumulates energy and forms taper.

In this way, AP Systems explained ‘they produced FMM with various shapes of fine pin-holes such as square, diamond, and polygonal shapes, as well as 1170ppi FMM’, and ‘’We also developed large-area FMM manufacturing equipment with USPL method’.

AP Systems also added ‘multi-beam and USPL is equipped for FMM manufacturing equipment so that it can improve productivity and realize UHD’.

Since the launch of the Galaxy Note4 in 2014, the OLED resolution has remained at the QHD level yet. In order to manufacture an OLED having a high resolution (UHD level or higher), it is necessary to solve various technical problems faced by FMM. Accordingly, it is noteworthy how USPL technology of AP Systems will affect the future OLED market.

<1000ppi FMM produced by AP Systems>


<various type of FMM produced by AP Systems>


LG전자, ‘올레드 풀비전’으로 더 크고 선명하게 본다


<출처 : LG전자>

LG전자가 하반기 전략 프리미엄 스마트폰에 OLED를 탑재한다.

LG전자는 18:9 화면비의 올레드 디스플레이를 제품 전면부에 꽉 채운 ‘올레드 풀비전(OLED FullVision)’을 하반기 전략 프리미엄 스마트폰에 적용한다. 디스플레이 크기는 전작인 LG V20의 5.7인치 보다 더 커진 6인치 대화면이지만 베젤을 줄여 제품의 크기는 오히려 작아진다.

LG전자는 “세계 최고 프리미엄 TV로 인정받은 LG 올레드 TV에서 쌓아온 디스플레이 기술을 바탕으로 스마트폰에서도 차원이 다른 시각적 경험을 제공할 계획이다”며, “수년간 축적해 온 올레드 기술로 차기 전략 프리미엄 스마트폰의 차별화된 고품격 디자인을 완성했다”고 밝혔다.

LG 전자의 하반기 전략 프리미엄 스마트폰에는 하단부의 회로와 절연막들을 패널 뒤편으로 휘어넘긴 ‘베젤 벤딩(Bezel Bending)’ 기술을 적용되어, 하단 베젤을 전작인 V20대비 약 50%까지 줄였다. 또한, 디스플레이 겉면의 강화유리는 디자인의 일체감을 강조하기 위해 상하좌우 가장자리를 곡면으로 처리하고 후면으로 이어지도록 하였다.

올레드 풀비전은 QHD+(1,440X2,880) 해상도를 가지며 최적화된 화질 알고리즘을 적용해 사진과 인터넷 컬러 규격인 sRGB 기준 148%, 디지털 시네마 컬러 규격인 DCI-P3 기준 109% 등 색재현율을 갖췄다.

LG전자는 올레드 풀비전에 대해 명암비가 뛰어나 깊고 생생한 화면을 구현함과 동시에 빠른 응답속도로 인해 움직임이 많은 동영상이나 화면 전환이 빠른 게임을 할 때 잔상 없이 박진감 넘치는 화면을 제공할 것이라 설명했다.

LG전자는 “사용자들이 항상 지니고 다니는 스마트폰의 특성을 고려해 디스플레이의 내구성도 한 단계 높였다”고 언급했다.

LG전자는 “올레드 풀비전은 플라스틱 기판 위에 화소를 배치한 P-올레드(P-OLED)를 기반으로 하기 때문에 유리 기판 디스플레이 대비 충격에 강하다.”며, “전면 디스플레이 위에 코닝 社(Corning®)의 최신 강화유리 ‘고릴라 글라스 5(Gorilla® Glass 5)’를 장착했고, 유리가 깨졌을 때 유리가루가 흩어지는 것을 막아주는 비산 방지(Shatter-resistant) 기술도 적용됐다”고 덧붙였다.

이 외에도 LG전자는 “내구성 강화를 위해 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 기술을 적용했다”고 말했다. 또한, “화소에 공기가 닿지 않게 보호막을 덧씌워 산화를 최소화한 봉지 기술(Encapsulation, 封止 技術), 주변보다 유독 많이 사용한 화소를 찾아내 전력 소모량을 줄여주는 화소 스캐닝 프로그램 등 축적된 LG의 올레드 기술을 탑재해 디스플레이에서 나타날 수 있는 번인(Burn-In) 현상을 최소화했다”고 설명했다.

LG전자 MC사업본부장 조준호 사장은 “LG 올레드 TV에서 검증된 세계 최고의 디스플레이 기술을 총 집약해 스마트폰의 품격 높은 디자인과 차원이 다른 화질을 제공할 것”이라고 강조했다.


LG Electronics, watching bigger and clearer on ‘OLED FullVision’

<Source: LG Electronics>


LG Electronics will have a strategic premium smartphone equipped with OLED in the 2nd half this year.

LG Electronics will apply OLED FullVision, an 18: 9 aspect-ratio OLED display completely filling the entire screen panel to a strategic premium smartphone in the 2nd half. The size of the display is 6inch wide- larger than 5.7 inches of the previous model LG V20, but the size of the product is rather smaller by reducing the size of the bezel.
Based on the display technology obtained from LG OLED TV, which has been recognized as the world’s best premium TV, LG Electronics plans to provide a different level of visual experience of smartphone; “With OLED technology which has been accumulated over the years, we have completed the differentiated high-class design of the subsequent strategic premium smartphone.”
In the LG Electronics’ strategic premium smartphone, the “bezel bending” technology has been embedded in, which makes the circuit and insulating layers at the bottom of the panel bent backwards and the lower bezel reduced by about 50% compared to the previous model V20. Toughened glass on the outer layer of display is curved all around edge and is smoothened along the contour line of the backside to emphasize a sense of unity on the design,

OLED FullVision has a QHD + (1,440×2,880) resolution and an optimized screen quality algorithm equipped with a color gamut of 148% based on sRGB, default color space for photography and internet, and 109% based on digital cinema color standard DCI-P3.

LG Electronics stated that OLED FullVision should present a deep and vibrant screen with excellent contrast ratio and fast response time will provide a full-fledged screen without afterimages for fast-moving video or games.

LG Electronics also said, “The durability of the display has been upgraded as well, considering the portability of smartphone. OLED Full Vision is stronger than glass substrate displays because it is based on P-OLEDs with pixels placed on plastic substrates,”; “Cutting edge technologies are embedded in such as Corning®’s latest tempered glass ‘Gorilla® Glass 5’ and shatter-resistant technology that prevents the glass powder from scattering when the glass breaks. ” LG added.

Additionally LG Electronics said, “We have applied hardware and software technology to enhance durability. Also encapsulation technology that minimizes oxidation by covering the pixels with a protective film to prevent air contact, and pixel scanning program that identifies heavily used pixels and reduces their power consumption. OLED technology has minimized the burn-in phenomenon that can occur on the display. ”

Joon-ho Cho, president of LG’s MC business director emphasized, “We will provide a high end smartphone with a different level of design and screen quality, integrating the world’s best display technologies proven by LG OLED TV.

LG Display Unveils Next-Generation Market Leading Technologies at CES 2017


<Source :LG Display Unveils Next-Generation Market Leading Technologies at CES>

LG Display is actively participating in the ‘CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2017’ to be held in Las Vegas, the U.S., from January 5 to 8 to show more diverse products and next-level differentiated technologies.

LG Display plans to convey its purpose to achieve consumer innovation together with LG Display’s differentiated technologies under the slogan of ‘Our Technology, Your Innovation’, at its private showroom for clients in the Las Vegas Convention Center, from January 4 to 8.

Especially, LG Display will showcase new products that basically has superior picture quality and fulfill OLED’s next-level design and potential, as well as a variety of products that provide new future to customers with its own differentiated technologies.


■ Unveil the New OLED TV with Superior Picture Quality, and Extreme Design

LG Display will release its differentiated OLED TVs with unsurpassed picture quality and potential application and design.

During CES, it will also introduce a 55-inch transparent FHD display featuring the improved colors and more natural and transparent screen.
LG Display will showcase 65-inch and 77-inch UHD Wall Paper TV line-up with ultra thin and innovative design. It will also show off futuristic displays, including a 77-inch double-sided UHD display and 77-inch six rollable UHD commercial displays, which will open various possibilities of OLED with surpassed picture quality.


■ Constantly evolving IPS, Innovative LCD Technology

LG Display’s OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode) and a high-resolution technology IPS evolve further.
LG Display will show off IPS products with improved picture quality and price competitiveness by using WCG(Wide Color Gamut, a technology to provide a greater range of colors), HDR(High Dynamic Range, a technique to reproduce a greater dynamic range of luminosity), and high-resolution technical solutions.

Especially, IPS Nano Color at this show is LG Display’s own WCG technology that can express more accurate and vivid colors, using nano-sized wide color gamut.
It is increased with the addition of the strength of IPS OLED to offer high color accuracy. This show will apply it to a 65-inch UHD product.


■ User’s Expanded Touch Experience through in–TOUCH, Improved-quality Display

LG Display will expand in-TOUCH technology of touch sensor-embedded panel to 24-inch monitors, while showing off the key advantages of design to offer differentiated values to IT market through its high-resolution product strategy.

in-TOUCH technology offers a thinner and lighter product since there is no Touch Cover Glass.
In addition, Active Pen Solution is applied to a 13.3-inch in-TOUCH panel, so that it features higher touch accuracy outside the screen, faster touch response, and more precise calibration of the touch point, compared to conventional Add-on(touch sensor-added panel).

LG will also show not only the world’s largest 38-inch curve monitor suitable for such offices as stock trading, movie-watching, and immersive gaming but also 32-inch 8K monitor with ultra high resolution and HDR monitor panel for broadcasting and video editing experts.


■ Providing Future Vision through its P-OLED with Excellent Picture Quality and Design Freedom

LG Display will provide next-gen futuristic automotive display products through P-OLED(Plastic OLED) with superior picture quality and design freedom.

P-OLED featuring wide screen, perfect expression of black, and high design flexibility is an optimized technology to provide new vision to automotive interior in harmony with the curved surfaces of vehicles.
LG Display plans to have a showroom for visitors to experience futuristic concept products in a real situation, including Cluster that will provide better safety and convenience, Center Information Display, passenger seat display, large transparent OLED, and mirror-type OLED.

Besides, LG Display is aiming to enter the middle and small-sized OLED market through 5.5-inch QHD P-OLED. In addition, it will introduce the P-OLED for Smartwatches with diverse designs, including circular or square pattern.

LG Display Vice Chairman, Han Sang-beom announced “LG Display has offered leading products that can provide new values beyond the expectation of the market, with its differentiated technologies.” “It will proactively respond to the market through its next-generation display OECD and new innovative technologies, and consolidate its position as a leading company”.