What is the investment cost for large-area OLED that will lead the premium TV market?

■ Investment cost comparison and analysis for WRGB OLED, solution processed OLED and QD-OLED
■ Total OLED process equipment is expected to form a market of US$ 58.8 billion from 2018 to 2022, and inspection equipment market is estimated as US$ 8.4 billion

In the premium TV market, the market share of OLED TVs is steadily rising, and the number of OLED TV camps is gradually increasing. OLED TV adopts color filter to WRGB OLED, and currently LG Display only mass produces the OLED panels.

On the other hand, Samsung Display is developing QD-OLED (blue OLED + quantum dot color filter) to compete with WRGB OLED in the premium TV market. Blue OLED is a technology in which the blue light emitted from OLED passes through a quantum dot layer and a color filter to represent red and green colors.

<Expected structure of QD-OLED>

UBI Research analyzed the structure and investment amount of WRGB OLED and QD-OLED, which are the latest issues, in the‘AMOLED Manufacturing and Inspection Equipment Industry Report’ published on June 6. In addition, the investment amount of the solution process OLED, which has got the industry attention due to its possible implementation of real RGB in large-area OLED, is also analyzed and compared.

As a result of analyzing the equipment investment cost based on the 8th generation 26K, the QD-OLED investment cost is 3% higher than WRGB OLED and the investment cost of solution process OLED is 19% less than that of WRGB OLED.

In the QD-OLED investment cost, it is reflected that QD color filter is separately formed and its laminating process is added. For the analysis of solution processed OLED investment cost, color filter is excluded and ink-jet printer is applied instead of deposition equipment.

In addition, the report forecasts the overall OLED equipment market from 2018 to 2022. The total OLED overall equipment market is expected to reach US$ 106.7 billion from 2018 to 2022. The market for process equipment is projected as US$ 58.8 billion and inspection equipment market is to be US$ 8.4 billion.

Premium TV 시장을 주도할 대면적 OLED의 투자 비용은?

최근 premium TV 시장은 OLED TV의 점유율이 지속적으로 상승하고 있으며 OLED TV 진영도 꾸준히 증가하고 있는 추세다. OLED TV는 WRGB OLED에 color filter를 적용한 구조로써, 현재 LG Display만이 유일하게 OLED panel을 양산하고 있다.

이에 Samsung Display에서는 premium TV 시장에서 WRGB OLED에 대항하기 위해 blue OLED + quantum dot color filter(이하 QD-OLED)를 개발하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다. Blue OLED는 OLED에서 발광 된 청색광이 quantum dot층과 color filter를 통과해 red와 green 색을 나타내는 기술이다.

<QD-OLED 예상 구조>

유비리서치는 지난 6일 발간한 ‘AMOLED Manufacturing and Inspection Equipment Industry Report’에서 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 WRGB OLED와 QD-OLED의 구조와 투자 금액을 분석했다. 뿐만 아니라, 대면적 OLED에서 real RGB를 구현할 수 있어 주목받고 있는 solution process OLED의 투자 금액도 함께 분석하여 비교했다.

8세대 26K 기준으로 장비 신규 투자비를 분석한 결과, QD-OLED 투자비는 WRGB OLED에 비해 3%가 많고 solution process OLED는 WRGB OLED에 비해 19% 적은 것으로 조사되었다.

QD-OLED 투자비에서는 QD color filter가 따로 형성되고 이를 합착하는 공정이 추가된 내용이 반영되었으며, solution process OLED 투자비에서는 color filter가 제거되고 증착 장비 대신 ink-jet printer가 투입된 내용이 반영되었다.

이 밖에 본 보고서에서는 2018년부터 2022년까지 OLED 전체 장비 시장도 예상하였다. 2018년부터 2022년까지 OLED 전체 장비 시장은 US$ 106.7 billion을 형성할 것으로 전망되며, 공정 장비는 그 중 US$ 58.8 billion, 검사 장비는 US$ 8.4 billion의 시장을 형성할 것으로 예상된다.

<2018년~2022년 장비별 전체 시장 점유율 전망>

QD-OLED TV, is it to be the next generation premium TV?

Samsung Electronics is currently occupying the premium TV market with QD-LCD TVs, which use ‘PL-QD (photoluminescence quantum dot) technology’. This technology has a mechanism in which the material stimulated by external light re-emits light.

The operating profit of the consumer electronics division (CE), which controls QD-LCD TVs, fell more than Korean won 1 trillion in last year and the operating profit ratio was only 3.6%.

On the other hand, LG Electronics’ HE business division achieved a record operating profit of Korean won 1,566.7 billion and an operating margin of 8.1% through OLED TV. Sony also turned its operating profit into a surplus by quickly taking over the premium TV market with OLED TV.

OLED TV has had a positive effect in driving corporate sales growth.

Samsung Electronics has been developing EL-QLED, with EL-QD (electroluminescence quantum dot) technology, to increase its market share in the premium TV market. However, efficacy, lifetime and mass production technology of quantum dot, which is the material of QLED, is not yet secured.

Recently, QD-OLED TV technology, which uses blue OLED as a light source and that implements red and green colors through a quantum dot color filter (QDCF), is attracting attention.

<Expected structure for QD-OLED, Source: Samsung Display Blog>

By using QDCF, it is possible to easily make desired colors by adjusting the size of the QD material and improve the color reproduction rate. This is because the color gamut is enlarged to BT2020, so it is close to natural color and it is possible to deliver vivid picture quality more clearly. In addition, QD-OLED TV has a top emission structure, which makes it easy to secure the aperture ratio, thereby improving resolution and screen uniformity.

However, in QD-OLED TV, there are various problems to be solved such as lifetime and efficiency of blue OLED, and technology of ink-jet printing process. Given that the industry is still in the early stages of reviewing the business possibility, QD-OLED TVs are expected to go into mass production after 2020.

Attention is focused on the QD-OLED TV’s entry into the premium TV market and its impact.

QD-OLED TV, 차세대 프리미엄 TV가 될 수 있을까

삼성전자는 현재 ‘PL-QD(photoluminescence quantum dot)기술’ 적용한 QD-LCD TV로 프리미엄 TV시장을 점유하고 있다. 이 기술은 외부 광에 의해 자극된 물질이 다시 빛을 내는 메커니즘을 갖는다.

이러한 QD-LCD TV를 관할하는 가전부문(CE)의 영업이익은 지난해 1조 이상 줄었으며, 영업 이익률은 3.6%에 그쳤다.

반면, LG전자의 HE사업본부는 OLED TV를 통해 영업이익 지난해 1조 5,667억원, 영업이익률 8.1%로 역대 최고치를 달성하였다. SONY 또한 OLED TV를 앞세워 빠르게 프리미엄 TV 시장을 점유함으로써 영업이익을 흑자로 전환시켰다.

OLED TV가 기업의 매출 상승을 이끄는 긍정적인 효과를 낳은 셈이다.

이에 삼성전자는 프리미엄 TV시장에서의 점유율을 높이고자 EL-QD(electroluminescence quantum dot) 기술을 적용한 진정한 의미의 EL-QLED를 개발에 박차고 있으나, 여전히 QLED의 재료인 quantum dot의 효율과 수명, 양산기술은 아직 확보되지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.

최근 blue OLED를 광원으로 사용하고 그 빛이 QDCF(quantum dot color filter)를 통과하여 red와 green 색을 구현하는 QD-OLED TV 기술이 주목받고 있다.

<예상되는 QD-OLED 구조, 출처:삼성디스플레이블로그>

QDCF를 이용하면 QD재료의 크기를 조절하여 원하는 색을 쉽게 만들 수 있으며, 색 재현율을 향상시킬 수 있다. 이는 색 영역을 BT2020까지 확대하여 자연색에 가까우며 더 선명하게 생생한 화질을 전달할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 또한, QD-OLED TV는 전면 발광구조로 개구율 확보가 용이해 해상도와 화면 균일도를 향상시킬 수 있다.

그러나 QD-OLED TV에는 blue OLED의 수명과 효율, ink-jet printing 공정기술 확보 등 풀어나가야 할 여러가지 문제점들이 존재하고 있다. 이에 대해 관련 업계에서는 아직 사업 검토가 초기 국면임을 감안할 때, QD-OLED TV의 양산 시기는 2020년은 넘어야 할 것으로 전망하고 있다.

QD-OLED TV가 프리미엄 TV시장에 진입하여 어떠한 지각변동을 불어 일으킬 것인지 귀추가 주목된다.

Solution Process OLED TV is prospected to be launched on the market in 2019, targeting the Mid-end TV Market

According to “Market Entry Analysis for Solution Process OLED -The Possibilities and Opportunities” issued on November 14 by Ubiresearch, OLED TV, produced in solution process method, is prospected to be launched on the market in 2019.

Solution process is a technology which enables producing OLED panel in RGB pixel structure without any panel division on a device higher than G8, which major AMOLED panel producers has actively engaged in developing.

However, lamp efficiency and life cycle have no option to decrease because luminescent materials have lower purity than that of evaporation materials as luminescent materials applied to solution process should be mixed with various solvents in order to make the existing evaporation materials ink. Nevertheless, why major panel producers has actively engaged in developing solution process is that production cost can be declined as the usage efficiency of luminescent materials is high without using color filters and its structure is simpler than that of OLED panel using WRGB method.

According to the report, it is said that although developing luminescent materials for solution process OLED has been fully engaged, it should be more efficient than that of WRGB methods so as to enter the premium market. However, it seems substantially difficult that the capacity of solution process OLED surpasses that of WRGB as WRGB has been developed in top emission structure to improve its efficiency by over 20% and evaporation materials have also constantly been developed. Rather, based on proper level of life cycle and efficiency, it would be competitive to replace LCD targeting the mid-end TV market, according to the report.

Issues on OLED, QLED, hybrid QD, which can be applied to solution process and possibilities to enter the market, comparative analysis on the capacity of present solution process OLED, supply chain of QD industries, and major soluble OLED material producers are included in this “Market Entry Analysis for Solution Process OLED -The Possibilities and Opportunities” and it is expected to help the relevant producers understand the solution process industry.

Meanwhile, it is predicted that the market of large-scaled solution process OLED panel over 55 inch will begin in earnest being mass-produced as of 2019 and have accounted for the entire wide OLED panel market by approximately 15% growing by approximately US$ 1,000 million by 2021.