LG Chem.’s OLED Lighting Business Toward LGD. What is the Future Direction?

It was announced that LG Display will take over LG Chem.’s OLED lighting business department. As the department that was leading the opening of OLED lighting panel market is being merged into LG Display, a significant change in OLED lighting industry is anticipated.


One of the merits of this merge is expected to be further improving OLED lighting panel’s mass production potential through LG Display’s existing OLED panel mass production line, labor, and technology. Additionally, when new investment of OLED lighting panel mass production line is being processed, time and cost can be reduced on the basis of LG Display’s manufacturing equipment/material supply chains.


On the other hand, as OLED lighting market is still in initial stages the size is not so large. As such, whether LG Display will newly invest is a key issue. Generally, for display panel companies that invest with market size of thousands of millions of dollars in mind, OLED lighting panel line’s new investment does not seem to have a great advantage for LG Display.


Therefore, if LG Display carries out OLED lighting panel business, the first step is estimated to be mass production in parts of Paju’s AP2 line rather than new investment for OLED lighting panel mass production line. If parts of AP2 line begin mass production first, mass production timing can be much sooner than new investment and can positively affect expansion of OLED lighting panel market.


The issue is marketing strategy. In 2009, Samsung Electronics successfully opened AMOLED smartphone market in Korea via push strategy using AMOLED themed music video that became viral. Much like this, in order to show profit in OLED lighting panel business, LG Display should open the market through push marketing strategy.

LGD로 가는 LG화학의 OLED 조명사업, 앞으로의 향방은?

LG화학의 OLED 사업부가 LG Display로의 통합이 결정된 것으로 알려졌다. OLED lighting panel 시장 개화에 가장 앞장섰던 LG 화학의 OLED lighting business가 LG Display로 통합되게 되면서 앞으로의 OLED lighting 산업에 큰 변화가 있을 것으로 전망된다.

이번 통합으로 긍정적인 점은 LG Display가 이미 보유하고 있는 OLED panel 양산 라인과 인력, 기술력을 바탕으로 OLED lighting panel의 양산성을 더욱 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 또한 OLED lighting panel 양산라인의 신규투자를 진행할 때도 LG Display가 보유하고 있는 장비/재료 supply chain을 바탕으로 시간과 비용을 절감할 수 있다.

반면 OLED lighting 시장은 아직 초기단계로 시장규모가 크지 않기 때문에 LG Display에서 신규투자의 여부가 관건이다. 일반적으로 조 단위의 시장을 바라보고 투자를 하는 디스플레이 패널기업의 특성상 OLED lighting panel 신규라인 투자가 LG Display의 입장에서 큰 메리트는 없을 것으로 예상된다.

따라서 LG Display에서 OLED lighting panel 사업을 진행을 한다면 첫 시작은 OLED lighting panel 양산라인 신규투자보다 파주의 AP2 line 일부에서 양산을 먼저 시작 할 것으로 예상된다. AP2 line의 일부에서 먼저 양산을 시작한다면 신규투자를 하는 것보다 양산시점을 훨씬 앞당길 수 있고 OLED lighting panel 시장 확대에 긍정적인 영향을 끼칠 것으로 예상된다.

문제는 마케팅전략이다. 초창기 삼성전자가 “아몰레드” 마케팅으로 AMOLED smartphone 시장을 push전략으로 열었듯이 LG Display도 OLED lighting panel 사업에서 이윤을 남기기 위해서는 push 마케팅 전략을 통해 OLED lighting panel 시장을 열어야 할 것으로 분석된다.

Lighting Industry Market Control by Stable Major Companies, OLED Lighting Shakes It Up

Key companies of lighting industry, such as Osram, Philips, Panasonic, and GE Lighting, occupies approximately 70% of total lighting market and maintains stable entry barrier. Most of the key companies are also actively carrying out OLED lighting development as next generation lighting. As they reveal new OLED lighting panels each year, it is estimated that these companies will play a major role in next generation lighting market.

However, once OLED lighting market is vitalized, the existing lighting companies’ stable market control is expected to be rattled.

OLED Lighting Annual Report, published by UBI Research, pointed out that major lighting companies have already invested in LED lighting in large scale, and estimated until the investment cost is returned new investment for OLED lighting will be difficult. To stimulate OLED lighting market the report suggested push market, a strategy being used in display market. According to the report, the production cost competitiveness can be achieved through aggressive investment by LG Chem. and new OLED lighting companies such as Lumiotec. The report also estimated once OLED lighting market is open through aggressive investment and push market strategy, the lighting market leadership will be transferred to new OLED lighting companies which invested in OLED lighting early from major companies which missed investment timing.

Total Lighting Market Structure Forecast

Total Lighting Market Structure Forecast

OLED lighting market is currently being formed through specialized uses such as for interior/outdoor design, shop, restaurant, medical, and cosmetic. Konica Minolta has already completed mass production line investment and the line has been in operation since the end of 2014. LG Chem. is also positively considering mass production line investment. When OLED lighting panel’s active mass production begins, the market is forecast to expand as specialized lighting and replacement lighting for incandescent and fluorescent lights. From 2020, when OLED lighting panel is estimated to achieve reasonable price as interior lighting through major panel companies’ active mass production, it is estimated it will grow by encroaching part of LED lighting market.

From 2017 OLED lighting panel market for interior lighting is forecast to grow rapidly at CAGR of approximately 90%, and record US$ 5,700 million revenue in 2025. Flexible OLED lighting panel is estimated to be used where normal lighting application is difficult and occupy approximately 27% of OLED interior lighting market in 2025.

Interior Lighting Market Forecast

Interior Lighting Market Forecast


견고한 조명산업 major 업체들의 시장 지배력, OLED lighting이 뒤흔든다.

조명산업의 핵심 업체는 Osram과 Philips, Panasonic, GE Lighting 등으로 전체 조명시장의 약 70%를 차지하며 견고한 진입장벽을 구축하고 있다. 또한 핵심업체 중 대부분은 차세대 조명으로 OLED lighting 개발도 적극적으로 진행하며 매년 새로운 OLED lighting panel들을 공개하고 있어 차세대 조명시장에서도 핵심 역할을 할 것으로 대부분의 업계에서 예상하고 있다.

하지만 OLED lighting 시장이 활성화가 된다면 기존 핵심 조명업체들의 견고한 시장 지배력이 흔들릴 것으로 전망된다.

<표1. 전체 조명 시장 구도 전망>

유비산업리서치에서 발간한 “OLED Lighting Annual Report”에 따르면, major 조명업체들은 이미 LED lighting에 대한 대규모 투자가 이루어 졌기 때문에 투자비가 회수되기 전 까지는 OLED lighting에 대한 신규 투자를 할 여력이 없을 것으로 예상 했다. OLED lighting 시장이 활성화가 되기 위해서는 display 시장에서 push market으로 시장을 형성하듯이 LG Chem.과 Lumiotec등의 신규 OLED lighting 업체들이 공격적인 투자로 원가경쟁력을 확보하여 push market으로서 OLED lighting 시장을 형성해야 될 것으로 내다봤다. 또한 보고서에서는 공격적인 투자와 push market 전략으로 OLED lighting 시장 개화가 이루어 진다면 투자 시점을 놓친 major 업체들에서 투자를 먼저 진행한 신규 OLED lighting 업체들로의 조명시장 주도권이 넘어갈 것으로 전망하였다.

현재 OLED lighting 시장은 실내/실외 design과 shop, restaurant, medical, cosmetics등 특수 용도로서 시장을 형성해 나가고 있다. Konica Minolta에서는 이미 양산라인에 대한 투자가 완료되어 2014년 말부터 가동 중에 있으며 LG Chem.도 양산라인 투자를 긍정적으로 검토 중이다. OLED lighting panel의 본격적인 양산이 시작되면 특수조명 시장과 백열등과 형광등의 대체조명으로 시장을 확대할 것으로 예상되며, 주요 panel 업체들의 본격적인 양산을 통해 OLED lighting panel이 실내조명으로서 합리적인 가격을 확보하게 될 것으로 예상되는 시점인 2020년부터는 실내조명 시장에서 LED lighting 시장의 일부를 잠식하며 성장할 것으로 전망된다.

실내조명용 OLED lighting panel 시장은 2017년부터 연평균 성장률 약 90%로 급성장 할 것으로 전망되며 2025년에 US$ 5,700 million 규모가 될 것으로 예상된다. 또한 실내조명으로서 flexible OLED lighting panel은 일반 조명들이 적용되기 어려운 부분에 실내 interior용 조명으로 적용되어 2025년 OLED 실내조명 시장의 약 27%를 차지할 것으로 전망된다.


<표2. 실내조명 시장전망>

[Lighting Fair Japan 2015] LG Chem, 100lm/W OLED Lighting Panel Mass Production Possible in April 2015

LG Chem estimates mass production of highly efficient 100lm/W OLED lighting panel in April this year. In Lighting Fair Japan 2015 (March 3 – 6) LG Chem announced that they have achieved 2014 target of 100lm/W development, and that mass production will be possible from April 2015. Additionally, they presented the 140ml/W roadmap until 2017, and LG Chem is forecast to keep on leading the OLED lighting market.

Until now OLED lighting had lower efficiency compared to the existing fluorescent light (approx. 100lm/W) and LED (approx. 100lm/W or higher), and was mostly used as luminaire rather than down light. However, if active mass production of 100lm/W products begins, utilization as down light will also be possible.

In this exhibition, LG Chem showcased solution concept of down light, and not a luminaire focused exhibition. They also demonstrated OLED lighting’s competitiveness as down light by securing lifetime of 40 thousand hours. This is approximately twice as long as fluorescent light and rivals LED. The biggest issue for OLED lighting is the cost. If the price becomes competitive through active investment, it is analyzed that the OLED lighting market will grow rapidly.

According to UBI Research’s OLED Lighting Annual Report 2014, OLED lighting market is forecast to grow by 100% of compound annual growth rate and form US$ 4,700 million market in 2020.

150309_ [Lighting Fair Japan 2015]LG Chem., 2015년 4월 100lmW의 OLED lighting panel 양산 가능3<LG Chem’s R&D Roadmap, Source : LG chem>

150309_ [Lighting Fair Japan 2015]LG Chem., 2015년 4월 100lmW의 OLED lighting panel 양산 가능2<Front View of LG Chem Booth, Lighting Fair Japan 2015>

By HyunJun Jang, reporter@olednet.co.kr

[Lighting Fair Japan 2015] LG Chem., 2015년 4월 100lm/W의 OLED lighting panel 양산 가능.

LG Chem.이 100lm/W의 고효율 OLED lighting panel양산이 올 4월 가능할 것으로 예상된다. 지난3월 3일부터 6일까지 열린 Lighting Fair Japan 2015에서 LG Chem.은 2014년 목표였던 100lm/W 개발을 완료하였으며 2015년 4월부터 양산이 가능하다고 밝혔다. 또한 2017년까지 140lm/W의 로드맵을 제시하며 OLED lighting 시장을 지속적으로 리드할 것으로 전망된다.

OLED lighting은 기존 조명인 형광등(약 100lm/W)과 LED(약 100lm/W이상)에 비해 낮은 효율로 주조명 보다는 등기구 위주의 제품들이 주를 이루었다. 하지만 100lm/w의 제품이 본격적으로 양산이 된다면 주조명으로도 본격적으로 적용될 수 있다.

이번 전시에서 LG Chem.은 기존의 등기구 위주의 전시가 아닌 주조명에 대한 솔루션 컨셉의 전시를 하였으며, 형광등보다 2배가량 길고 LED와도 경쟁 가능한 수준인 4만시간의 수명 확보로 OLED lighting이 주조명으로도 충분히 경쟁력이 있다는 것을 보여주었다. OLED lighting의 가장 큰 해결 과제는 가격이다. 본격적인 투자가 진행되어 가격 경쟁력만 갖춘다면 OLED lighting 시장 규모는 급격히 성장 할 것으로 분석된다.

유비리서치에서 발간한 OLED lighting Annual Report 2014에 따르면 OLEDLighting 시장은 연평균 성장률 100%로서 2020년에 US$ 4,700million 시장을 형성할 것으로 전망했다.

<LG Chem.의 R&D 로드맵, 출처 : LG화학>

<LG Chem. 부스 전경, Lighting Fair Japan 2015>

By HyunJun Jang, reporter@olednet.co.kr

LG Chem. release 320x320mm OLED lighting and new application



The 320x320mm OLED light panel in LG Chem’s product portfolio in the world’s largest commercially available panel. The panel has an efficacy of 60lm/W, a high CRI (90) and is only 0.88mm thick. The output, which is similar to common 60-75 Watt incandescent lamp. This is significant because it marks the point where OLEDs will not only be seen as an energy-efficient and human friendly light source, but also come to be seen as a fit-for-purpose and proficient general purpose light source. The 320x320mm panel is now commercially available.

LG Chem has developed two types of “Mounting Solutions” for easy OLED panel installation with magnetic connections: Rail Connection and Linear Connection.



Rail connection

Each 200x50mm LG Chem OLED light panel is cased and a DC-DC driver is integrated. The AC-DC driver supplies DC to the conductor rail, and each lighting unit is magnetically attached to the rail receiving the power.



Linear Connection

The Linear Connection Solution also utilized 200x50mm OLED panels with chrome-finished casing. Each lighting unit is magnetically connected with other units in a series, and the units are also magnetically attached to the metal surface. When distance between the panels is required, and extension bar can be placed in between.

The mounting solutions can be easily applied anywhere, from retail store shelving to general home furniture.



The Transparent Electrode uses 320x110mm OLED panels. A transparent mesh conductive film, OLED panel and protection film are laminated on a sheet of glass. Hence, OLEDs turn on without direct wiring to the panels; therefore achieve a floating effect. The Transparent Electrode would be a great fit for retail shelving where temperature is a sensitive factor for instance in the cases of cosmetics of food. Different shapes and sizes of OLEDs can be applied diverse design needs.