Idemitsu Kosan, Establishment of a Subsidiary related to OLED Materials in the city of Chengdu, China

Idemitsu Kosan reported on a recent press release that it reached a basic agreement with the government of the Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone in the city of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, on the establishment of a local subsidiary.


Based on the growth of display industry in China, Idemitsu Kosan recently announced that it is investing in OLED manufacturing, and it will strengthen its supply structure and technological support in preparation for further growth in the demand for OLED materials in China.

The name of the wholly owned subsidiary of Idemitsu Kosan is Idemitsu Electronic Materials (China) Co., Ltd. with the capital of about JPY 1.3 billion.


Idemitsu Kosan said it plans to complete the construction of the new company’s facility in 2019 and start material production.

Idemitsu Kosan과 Toray, 새로운 OLED 재료 공동 개발을 위한 기술 협력 협약 체결

2017년 9월 26일, OLED 발광 재료 전문 업체인 Idemitsu Kosan과 Toray가 OLED 재료를 공동 개발하기 위한 새로운 기술 협력 협약을 체결했다.

Toray와 Idemitsu Kosan은 양사의 OLED 재료와 전문 기술 등을 상호 활용하여 새로운 재료의 개발과 평가에 협조 할 것으로 알려졌다. 두 회사는 공동으로 평가 시설과 생산 시설을 사용할 예정으로써, 이번 기술 협력 협약이 OLED 소재 개발을 가속화하고 저비용 생산을 가능하게 하기를 희망한다고 밝혔다.

Idemitsu Kosan은 OLED emitter 재료와 홀 수송 재료를 주력으로 개발하고 있으며 Toray는 독점적인 분자 디자인 기술을 기반으로 전자 수송 재료를 중점적으로 개발하고 있다.

한편 UBi Research에 따르면, OLED 모바일 기기와 TV에서 한국과 중국의 적극적인 투자에 따라 2017년 발광재료 시장은 9.6억달러 규모를 형성하고 2021년 발광재료 시장은 33.6억달러 규모로 확대 될 것으로 전망했다.

Idemitsu Kosan과 Toray 양사의 이번 기술 협력 협약이 OLED 디스플레이 산업의 발전과 더욱 향상 된 OLED 재료의 상업화에 기여할 수 있을지 귀추가 주목되고 있다.

Idemitsu Kosan and Toray, Signed on technical cooperation agreement for joint development of new OLED materials


On September 26, 2017, Idemitsu Kosan and Toray, specializing in OLED light emitting materials, signed on a new technology cooperation agreement to jointly develop OLED materials.

Toray and Idemitsu Kosan are expected to collaborate on the development and evaluation of new materials through the mutual use of OLED materials and expertise from both companies. The two companies will jointly use evaluation facilities and production facilities, and said they hope this technical cooperation agreement will accelerate the development of OLED materials and enable low-cost production.

Idemitsu Kosan is developing OLED emitter materials and hole transport materials and Toray is focusing on electron transport materials based on proprietary molecular design technology.

According to UBi Research, upon the active investment of Korea and China in OLED mobile devices and TVs, the light emitting material market is expected to reach $ 960 million in 2017 and $ 33.6 billion in 2021.

It is expected whether this technical cooperation agreement between Idemitsu Kosan and Toray could contribute to the development of the OLED display industry and the commercialization of more advanced OLED materials.

머티어리얼사이언스, OLED용 청색 도판트 개발 성공…OLED 효율⋅수명↑

국내 한 벤처기업이 일본 업체가 특허를 독점하고 있는 유기발광다이오드(OLED)용 청색도판트(dopant)를 개발하는 데 성공했다. 도판트는 OLED 내에서 실제로 색을 내는 호스트(host)에 섞어 효율⋅수명을 개선해주는 소재다.

그동안 OLED용 호스트를 개발한 국내 재료 업체는 많았지만, 도판트를 대기업의 지원을 받지 않은 벤처회사가 독자적으로 상용화 수준까지 개발한 사례는 처음이라는 점에서 개가로 평가된다.

OLED용 유기재료 개발업체 머티어리얼사이언스(대표 이순창)는 일본 I사 청색 도판트 특허를 대체할 수 있는 기술을 개발했다고 7일 밝혔다. 지난 2014년 설립된 머티어리얼사이언스는 국내외 OLED 패널 업체에 정공수송층(HTL)·전자수송층(ETL) 등을 공급하고 있다. 총 50여명 임직원 중 절반이 연구개발 인력이다. 지난해 매출은 66억원, 올해는 100억원을 돌파할 것으로 예상된다.

이번에 머티어리얼사이언스가 청색 도판트를 개발함에 따라 OLED 패널 업체들은 I사 외에 청색 호스트 및 도판트를 공급해 줄 수 있는 대안을 갖게 됐다.

일본 I사는 지난 1995년부터 청색 도판트를 개발해왔다. 현재 총 30건 이상(일본 출원 기준)의 청색 관련 특허를 보유하고 있으며, 이 중 8개의 주요 특허는 오는 2034년까지 유효하다.

특히 안트라센(벤젠 고리 세 개가 차례로 접합된 화합물) 구조로 된 청색 호스트와 파이렌을 포함하는 청색 도판트가 조합하는 방식에 대한 특허를 독점하고 있다. 이 때문에 I사 청색 도판트를 구매하는 패널 업체는 반드시 호스트까지 I사 재료를 구매해야만 한다. I사 청색 도판트에 다른 업체 호스트를 섞어 쓸 경우 호스트 물질이 안트라센 골격이면 특허 침해가 불가피하다.

삼성⋅LG디스플레이 모두 I사 청색 도판트 및 호스트를 사용하여 왔다.

머티어리얼사이언스가 개발한 청색 도판트는 I사 조합특허를 완전히 벗어나도록 분자를 설계하였다. 기존에는 OLED의 효율⋅수명을 개선하며 진청색을 얻기 위하여 강력한 전자 받개(electron acceptor)를 분자에 적용하는 방식을 사용하여 왔다.

머티어리얼사이언스는 반대로 전자 주개(electron donor)를 분자에 도입하여 효율과 수명을 개선하면서 진청색 구현을 실현하였다. 이 도판트는 주위의 극성에 따른 발광 파장이 변화되는 용매의존발색현상(solvatochromism)을 크게 감소 시킴으로 호스트의 극성에 따라 발광 파장이 변화하는 현상도 크게 줄었다.

정재호 머티어리얼사이언스 연구원은 “새로운 구조 및 합성 방법을 개발해 기존 도판트와 차별화된 제품을 생산했다”며 “패널 업체들이 다양한 종류의 청색 호스트를 활용할 수 있을 것”이라고 설명했다. 머티어리얼사이언스는 최근 OLED 패널 업체들이 청색 형광체 수명을 늘리기 위해 도입을 추진 중인 열활성화지연형광(TADF) 기술도 개발하고 있다.

<발광재료 시장 전망, 유비리서치>

유비리서치에 따르면 OLED 유기재료 시장은 2021년까지 33억6000만달러(약 3조8000억원) 규모로 성장할 전망이다. 이 중 청색 재료의 매출 비중은 11.5%를 차지한다.

Material Science to develop blue dopant for OLED … OLED Efficiency ⋅ Lifetime Up↑

A Korean venture company has succeeded in developing blue dopant for Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) that a Japanese company has had its exclusive patent for. The dopant is an element that improves efficiency and life time by mixing with host that actually colors within the OLED.

In the meantime, many domestic material companies have developed OLED host, but it is the first case that a venture company has independently developed dopant on a commercial scale without receiving any support of large corporations.


Material Science (CEO Lee Soon-chang), an organic material developer for OLED has developed a technology that can replace Japanese I Company’s patent for blue dopant. Established in 2014, Material Science is supplying HTL( Hole Transporting Layer) and ETL (Electron Transfer Layer) to OLED panel makers.
Half of the 50 employees are R&D personnel. Last year, its sales were 6.6 billion won, and it is expected to exceed 10 billion won this year.

This time, due to the development of blue dopant by Material Science, OLED panel companies have an alternative to supply blue host and dopant besides I Company.

Japanese I Company has been developing blue dopant since 1995. At present, the company has more than 30 patents related to blue dopant (based on Japanese application for a patent), and its major 8 patents are valid until 2034. In particular, it has an exclusive patent for the combination method of blue dopant that includes blue host and pyrene with an anthracene structure (a compound in which three benzene rings are sequentially bonded). For this reason, the panel makers which purchase dopant from I Company must buy its host. If they mix I Company’s blue dopant with another company’s host, it is inevitable to infringe the patent in the case a host material has an anthracene skeleton.

Both Samsung Display and LG Display have been using I Company’s blue dopant and host.

The blue dopant developed by Material Science is designed to make molecules that are completely out of I Company’s compound patent. Conventionally, the method of applying an electron acceptor to a molecule has been used to improve the efficiency and lifetime of OLED and have a blue color.
On the other hand, Material Science introduces electron donor into molecules to improve the efficiency and lifetime while generating dark blue color. This dopant greatly reduces the solvent-dependent color development (solvatochromism) where emission wavelength changes due to the polarity of the surroundings. Therefore, the change of emission wavelength is also greatly reduced.

Jung Jae-ho, a researcher at Material Science said, “We have developed a new structure and a synthesis method, which makes it possible to produce its differentiated dopant.” “Panel companies are now able to utilize various types of blue hosts”. In addition, Material Sciences has been recently developing TADF(Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence) that OLED panel makers are struggling to introduce for the longer life of blue-emitting phosphors.


<OLED emitting material market forecast, UBi Research>

According to UBi Research, the OLED organic market is expected to reach $ 3.36 billion by 2021 (about 3.8 trillion won). And blue materials account for 11.5% of total sales.

Merck-Idemitsu Kosan Made An Agreement on OLED Materials

Merck and Idemitsu Kosan announced on November 7 that they made an agreement to use a part of patent rights of both companies’ OLED materials.

The two companies are the representative manufacturers of OLED materials with a long history of development and many patents while providing many clients with OLED materials.

This agreement was signed to develop long-durable and high-efficient OLED materials.

With this agreement, Merck and Idemitsu Kosan are able to develop, manufacture and sell OLED materials using some of each other’s patent rights under the stated terms, while focusing on R&D in high-performance OLED materials.

Besides, both companies announced that they will continue to discuss the scope expansion of their shared patent rights in order to secure more OLED markets.

Meanwhile, according to the OLED Emitting Material Annual Report published by UBI RESEARCH, the OLED material market is expected to grow at 46% each year on average between 2016 and 2021 and record US$ 4,323 million due to the production of newcomers and the expansion of the TV OLED panel market.


<OLED materials market prospect>(Source: UBI RESEARCH)

Merck-Idemitsu Kosan, OLED materials 관련 업무 협약 체결

MerckIdemitsu Kosan은 양사의 OLED materials 관련 특허권 일부를 공동 사용하는 업무 협약을 체결했다고 지난 7일 발표했다.

양사는 OLED materials을 양산하는 대표 업체로, 긴 개발 역사와 다수의 특허를 보유하고 있으며 현재 다양한 업체에 OLED materials을 공급하고 있다.

이번 협약은 긴 수명과 높은 효율을 가지는 OLED materials 개발하기 위해 마련됐다.

이를 통해 양사는 명시된 조건 하에 상대 기업의 특허권 일부를 활용하여 OLED materials을 개발에서부터 제조, 판매까지 할 수 있게 됨과 동시에 고성능 OLED materials 연구개발에 집중할 수 있게 됐다.

또한, 양사는 OLED 시장을 추가 확보하기 위해 특허권의 공동 사용 범위를 확대시키는 논의를 지속적으로 할 계획임을 밝혔다.

한편, 유비산업리서치가 발간한 2016 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report에 따르면, OLED material은 후발주자들의 본격적인 양산 시작과 TV OLED panel시장의 확대로 인하여 2016년부터 2021년까지 연평균 46% 성장하여 약 US$ 4,323 million의 규모가 될 것으로 전망했다.


<OLED materials 시장 전망, 출처: 유비산업리서치>


UDC’s 2015 OLED Emitting Materials Revenue $ 113 million, a 11% Decrease…Still Leading Market

Source : UDC

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter /

UDC (Universal Display) that is dominating the global OLED emitting materials market, recorded 11% reduced OLED emitting materials revenue in 2015 compared to 2014. Despite the decreased revenue, it maintained its top place in the market.

According to 2016 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report, published by UBI Research, UDC recorded approximately $ 113 million in 2015 OLED emitting materials revenue. In 2014, this company’s OLED emitting materials revenue recorded $ 127 million and led the global market, and maintained its position in 2015.

In particular, this company is a dominating presence in dopant materials sector. In 2015, UDC occupied 82% of the dopant materials sector, and the rest of the companies share the remaining 18%. Based on the phosphorescent patents, it is supplying phosphorescent red and green dopant to Samsung Display and LG Display.

Following UDC’s top place in 2015 global OLED emitting materials market in terms of revenue, Idemitsu Kosan ranked 2nd, and this was followed by Novaled, Dow Chem., and Samsung SDI. In 2013, Dow Chem. was at the top of the market, but since 2014 UDC overtook the leadership. In 2016, LG Display’s OLED TV mass production line operation rate, materials structure of Galaxy Note series to be mass produced in H2, and other factors are expected to affect the OLED emitting materials market.

UDC is scheduled to announce 2016 Q1 performance on 5 May (local time).


이데미츠코산 재료, LG OLED TV 일본 신제품에 공급

Source : Idemitsu Kosan

일본의 OLED 재료 업체인 이데미츠코산(Idemitsu Kosan)이 자사의 OLED 재료가 일본 LG전자의 최신 OLED TV에 사용될 것이라고 13일 발표했다.

이데미츠코산은 지난 1980년부터 OLED 재료를 개발해왔으며 특히 블루 발광재료의 품질이 뛰어나다는 게 이 회사의 설명이다. 이데미츠코산은 이와 관련 다수의 특허를 보유하고 있으며 한국과 일본에 공정을 가지고 있다. 이 회사는 다양한 제조사들에게 재료를 공급하고 있다.

이데미츠코산과 LG그룹은 지난 2009년 전략적 제휴를 맺었으며 지난 2014년 12월에는 OLED 기술 분야 및 디바이스 관련 특허 라이선싱 부문에서 협력하기로 한 바 있다.
이에 따라 이데미츠코산의 OLED 재료는 LG전자의 일본 출시 OLED TV 신제품에 들어갈 예정이다.
두 회사는 재료와 제품 개발을 위한 기술 협력을 지속할 예정이며 이를 통해 OLED 디스플레이의 대중화를 이끌 계획이다.

Adoption of Idemitsu’s Material in LG’s OLED TV

Source : Idemitsu Kosan

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter /

Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.´s (Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Takashi Tsukioka, hereinafter “Idemitsu”) OLED material will be used for LG Electronics Japan Inc.´s (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: In-gyu Lee) latest OLED TV which will be released in Japan this coming mid-May. An

An OLED TV is a next-generation television that has a display which eliminates the need for backlight, which is different from an LCD TV.

Eliminating the need for backlight makes it possible to not only provide a curved and super-thin display but to also represent jet black without being affected by the illumination of the backlight.

Idemitsu has studied and developed OLED materials since the 1980s and has a particular advantage in the development of high-performance blue light-emitting materials. In addition, Idemitsu also has many related patents and manufacturing plants in both Japan and South Korea, and supplies materials to a variety of manufacturers.

After the agreement to form a strategic alliance regarding the OLED business in 2009, Idemitsu and the LG Group concluded an agreement for mutual cooperation in the field of OLED technology and device-related patent licensing in December 2014.

As leading companies, each company has achieved results in product development through their active efforts in this field.

As a result of concluding the agreement, Idemitsu´s OLED material will be used for LG Electronics´ latest television to be released in Japan following the world´s first large high-definition OLED TV which was released by LG Electronics in 2013.

Both companies will continue to provide technical cooperation to develop materials and products that will popularize the use of OLED displays.

2015 OLED Emitting Materials Market, Dow Chem and LG Chem in Slump…Why?

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter /



In the midst of UDC`s domination of 2015 global materials market, with Japanese Idemitsu Kosan`s rapid growth and slump of emitting materials companied, there has been changes to the enviroment.

According to [2016 OLED Emitting Materials Annual Report] to be published by UBI Research in mid-April, the 2015 global emitting materials market recorded approximately a 17% growth compared to 2014



UDC’s revenue decreased from previous year, but remained at the top, the same as 2014. UDC was closely followed by Idemitsu Kosan despite its fourth place in 2014.

Such growth of Idemitsu Kosan is mainly due to its supply expansion in regards to Korean companies such as Samsung Display and LG Display. In 2015, Idemitsu Kosan began actively supplying Samsung Display with blue materials. Together with the increase in Idemitsu Kosan’s client LG Display’s OLED panel for TV mass production line’s operation rate, Idemitsu Kosan’s supply increased.


2015 Global OLED Emitting Materials Market Ranking
Source: UBI Research, 2016 OLED Emitting Materials Annual Report

◆ Samsung Display to Determine Up and Down of Companies

On the other hand, some OLED emitting materials companies that ranked high until 2014 showed poor performance. Dow Chem., that reached the second place in 2014 after UDC in revenue, fell to the fourth place in 2015 due to a big sales decrease. The third and fifth companies in 2014, LG Chem and Duksan Neolux respectively, fell below fifth place in 2015 due to the same reason.

Dow Chem. and Duksan Neolux are analyzed have recorded sales decrease in comparison to 2014 due to the supply chain changes of Samsung Display. In the case of LG Chem, the sales fell as the Samsung Display’s supply volume decreased.

However, Samsung SDI recorded sales increase, and entered within the top 5 in 2015. This company’s performance improved as it supplied Samsung Display with green host.

The company that recorded greatest growth is a Germany company Novaled that Samsung SDI, then Cheil Industries, took over. This company recorded approximately 150% revenue increase compared to previous year, and reached the third place in 2015 following UDC and Idemitsu Kosan. With the increase in OLED panel for TV mass production line’s operation rate, Novaled’s revenue greatly increased.

UBI Research estimated that in 2016, LG Display’s OLED TV mass production line operation rate and Galaxy Note series’ material structure, to be mass produced in the second half, will greatly affect revenue of OLED emitting materials companies.

2015년 발광재료 시장, 이데미츠 코산 등 약진·LG 등 부진

2015년 글로벌 OLED Material 시장. 출처=유비산업리서치 ‘2016 OLED 발광 재료 보고서’


강현주 기자 /

2015년 전세계 발광재료 시장은 UDC가 패권을 사수한 가운데, 일본 업체인 Idemitsu Kosan의 눈부신 성장, 일부 한국 발광재료 업체들의 부진 등으로 지각변동이 있었다.

유비산업리서치(UBI Research)가 이달 중순 발간할 예정인 ‘2016 OLED 발광재료 보고서에 따르면 지난해 전세계 발광재료 시장 매출액은 전년 대비 약 17%의 성장을 기록했다.

UDC는 다소 매출이 하락했지만 2014년에 이어 1위를 지켰다. 뒤이어 지난해 4위에 그쳤던 Idemitsu Kosan2015년에는 매출 성장을 달성해 2위에 등극, UDC를 바짝 쫓았다.

Idemitsu Kosan의 이 같은 성장은 삼성디스플레이와 LG디스플레이 등 한국 기업들에 대한 공급을 확대한 것이 주요인이다. Idemitsu Kosan2015년부터 본격적으로 삼성디스플레이에 블루 재료를 공급하기 시작했다. 이와 함께 Idemitsu Kosan의 고객사인 LG디스플레이의 TVOLED 패널 양산라인의 가동률이 증가함에 따라 Idemitsu Kosan의 공급이 늘어났다.

2015년 글로벌 OLED Material 시장 업체별 순위(출처=유비산업리서치 ‘2016 OLED 발광재료 보고서’)

◆삼성디스플레이가 업체들 희비 좌우

반면 2014년까지 높은 순위들을 차지했던 몇몇 업체들은 저조한 기록했다. 2014UDC에 이어 매출액 점유율 2위였던 Dow Chem.은 전년대비 큰 폭의 매출 하락으로 2015년에는 4위에 그쳤다. 20143위였던 LG Chem.5위였던 Duksan Neolux도 역시 전년대비 매출 하락으로 2015년에는 5위권 밖으로 밀려났다.

Dow Chem. Duksan NeoluxSamsung Display supply chain 변경에 영향을 받아 매출액이 2014년 대비 감소한 것으로 분석된다. LG Chem.의 경우 Samsung Display의 공급량 감소 때문에 매출이 줄었다.

Samsung SDI5위권 안에 진입했다. 이 업체는 Samsung Display에 그린 호스트를 공급하면서 실적이 개선됐다.

가장 큰 폭의 성장을 기록한 업체는 Samsung SDI에서 제일모직시절 인수한 독일 업체 Novaled. 이 업체는 전년대비 약 150%의 매출 성장을 달성하며 2015UDC, Idemitsu Kosan에 이어 단숨에 3위에 등극했다. TV OLED panel 양산라인의 가동률이 증가하면서 Novaled는 매출액이 큰폭으로 상승했다.

유비산업리서치 관계자는 “2016년에는 LG Display OLED TV 양산라인 가동률과 하반기 양산될 Galaxy Note series의 재료 구조에 따라 발광재료업체들의 매출액에 큰 영향을 끼칠 것이라고 전망했다.



Chinese Companies Begin Active OLED Panel Production Line Operation

The Chinese companies are estimated to begin active production of OLED panels, a market for which used to be dominated by Korean companies. Following this, the market for emitting materials for OLED panels also started shifting.

“OLED Emitting Material Annual Report”, published by UBI Research in March 2015, forecast that Chinese companies will begin mass production of AMOLED panel for mobile in second half of 2015, and large area panel from 2017. Together with China’s mass production of panel, emitting material market is estimated to grow into US$ 560 million in 2015, a 16% increase from 2014, and approximately US$ 2,500 million in 2020.

Emitting material companies that rely heavily on Samsung and LG’s panel mass production are anticipating supply chain advancement to China, and considering business expansion in China in order to increase revenue. Idemitsu Kosan is the most proactive and has already started supplying materials to BOE and Tianma. Duksan Neolux began supplying to BOE’s Ordos factory and deliberating on furthering business in China. (Source: Trend Analysis of Key Material Companies, 2015 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report)

With the expansion of panel market, increased competitiveness by Korean emitting material companies is required to acquire supply chain. This is also when Korean panel production companies need to obtain technology in order to retain their market share against Chinese companies.

Emitting Material Market Share by country: UBI Research

Emitting Material Market Share by country: UBI Research

<Emitting Material Market Share by country: UBI Research>


중국 업체들의 본격적인 OLED 패널 생산라인 가동시작

한국기업들의 독점시장이라해도 과언이 아니었던 OLED 패널 시장에 중국업체들의 본격적인 생산이 예견됨에 따라 OLED 패널에 사용되는 발광재료시장에도 움직임이 시작되고 있다.

2015년 3월 발간된 유비산업리서치의 “’OLED Emitting Material Annual Report’’’는 2015년 2분기부터 중국업체들의 Mobile용 AMOLED 패널양산이 시작되며 대면적 패널은 2017년부터 시작될 것으로 전망했다. 중국의 패널 양산과 더불어 발광재료시장 규모는 2015년 전년대비 16% 상승한 $560 M에서 2020년 약 $2,500 M까지 상승할 것으로 내다보고 있다.

현재 삼성과 LG의 패널양산에 큰 의존도를 보이고 있는 발광재료 업체들은 중국으로의 공급라인 확대를 기대하고 있으며 이에 따른 매출 증가를 위해 중국으로의 비즈니스확대를 고민하고 있다. 가장 적극적인 움직임을 보이고 있는 업체로는 Idemitsu Kosan 이 이미 BOE 와 Tianma 에 재료공급을 시작하였으며 덕산 네오룩스는 BOE Ordos 공장의 재료공급을 시작으로 중국 비즈니스 확대를 고민하고 있다. (출처 : ‘2015 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report’ 주요업체동향분석)

패널시장확대에 따른 국내 발광재료 업체들의 공급라인 확보를 위한 경쟁력강화가 요구되며 중국업체들의 패널시장 진출로 위협받는 국내 패널생산 기업들의 시장점유율 유지를 위한 기술력 확보가 요구되는 시점이다.

<Emitting Material Market Share by country: UBI Research>



LG Display, strategic partnership for OLED business with Japanese firm Idemitsu Kosan

LG Display (CEO Sang-beom Han, 韓相範 / and OLED materials firm Idemitsu Kosan (CEO 月岡隆, Takashi Tsukioka, hereinafter “Idemitsu”) entered into the agreement on the 11th about the ‘mutual cooperation concerning OLED technology and related patent license’ to further strengthen their competitiveness in the OLED industry.


In 1997, Idemitsu developed what was then the world’s brightest blue light organic emitting material for OLED and since then, every effort has been made to develop high-tech OLED materials and diverse device technologies based on its own molecular design and organic synthesis technologies. Consequently, Idemitsu Kosan, the original OLED material technology firm of a top global level possesses numerous major patents in relation to the OLED technology.


Through this strategic partnership, LG Display will be accessible to the excellent OLED materials and device structures of the Idemitsu Kosan which will lead to consolidate the research, product development and production of the OLED for TV and flexible OLED, and this eventually will accelerate the expansion of OLED market. By providing high performance OLED materials to the LG Display and collaborating in terms of technology development and commercialization, Idemitsu Kosan is expected to secure leading global clients in the display field.


The industry prospects that the two companies have made a chance to perform sound leadership by maximizing the synergy in the OLED business through this partnership.


Sang-deok Yeo, president of LG Display OLED Business unit said that, “Through the latest partnership, LG Display is to gain momentum to create OLED TV market on the basis of the OLED related patents of Idemitsu Kosan as well as accelerate the developments of flexible and transparent OLEDs” and added that “This win-win collaborative relationship is expected to have a huge synergy effect on OLED business for both companies.”