OLED Emitting Material Market Track(1Q22) 발간

유비리서치에서 분기별 발간하는 “1Q22 OLED Emitting Material Market Track”에 의하면 2021년 4분기 OLED 발광재료 구매액은 5.36억 달러로 집계되었다.

2021년 4분기 OLED 발광재료 시장은 전 분기 대비 15.6% 상승하였으며, 전년 동분기 대비 47% 상승하였다. 4분기 OLED 발광재료 시장의 확대는 LG 디스플레이의 Apple향 패널 출하량과 TV용 패널 출하량이 증가하였고, BOE의 flexible OLED 출하량이 확대되었기 때문인 것으로 분석된다.

4분기 TV용 발광재료 구매액은LG 디스플레이가 8,200만 달러, 삼성 디스플레이가 2,400만 달러로 분석되었다.

2022년 OLED발광재료 시장은 19억 달러가 될 것으로 예상된다. 2022년 OLED TV용 WRGB OLED와 QD-OLED용 발광재료 구매액은 각각 2022년에 3.3억 달러와 5,700만 달러가 될 것으로 전망된다. 2024년에는 IT용 RGB 2stack 시장이 개화하고, 2026년에는 전체 OLED 시장 중 6.5%의 점유율을 차지할 것으로 예상된다.

“1Q22 OLED Emitting Material Market Track”은 분기별 발광재료 마켓 트랙 보고서는 OLED 발광재료의 시장을 조사/분석하였다. 발광층과 공통층별 매출액을 조사하여 발광재료의 전체 시장을 파악하고, 국가별, 패널업체별, 응용제품별, layer별, OLED Method(RGB, WRGB, QD-OLED)별로 나누어 실적을 분석하였다.  또한 향후 5년간, 업체별 발광재료 사용량과 매출액을 예측하여 2026년 까지의 OLED마켓 정보를 전망하였다. 마켓 트랙 분기 보고서는 OLED 산업을 리더 하는 업계 종사자들에게 필요한 정보를 제공해드린다.

2020년 2분기 발광재료 시장 2.3억 달러 규모, 전 분기 대비 30% 감소

유비리서치가 발간한 2020년 3분기 OLED 발광재료 마켓트랙에 따르면 2020년 2분기 발광재료 시장이 2.3억달러로 집계되었다. 전분기 대비 30%, 2019년 2분기 대비 24% 감소한 수치다.

2분기 발광재료 시장 축소는 삼성 디스플레이의 패널 출하 감소와 재고 물량이 주요 원인으로 분석된다.

먼저, 삼성 디스플레이의 2분기 패널 실적 중 중국향은 1분기 대비 27% 증가하였으나, 삼성 전자의 Galaxy S20 시리즈 판매량 부진에 따른 패널 생산량 감소와 6월부터 양산되기 시작한 Galaxy Note20용 패널 물량이 20만대 이하 수준에 그치면서 발광재료 사용량도 그만큼 줄어들었다.

또한, 1분기에는 코로나바이러스로 인해 재료 수급을 우려한 중국 패널 업체들의 선 주문으로 인해 재고 물량이 증가하였으나 가동률이 재고 물량을 소비할 만큼 높아지지 않은 점도 시장 축소의 한 원인이 되었다.

다만 하반기에는 삼성 디스플레이와 엘지 디스플레이의 Apple향 패널 물량 증가와 엘지 디스플레이의 광저우 라인 가동 등으로 인해 발광재료 시장의 확대가 기대된다.

삼성 디스플레이와 엘지 디스플레이는 2020년 Apple향으로 각각 8,000만대와 2,000만대 수준의 패널 공급이 예상되며, 7월부터 가동되기 시작한 엘지 디스플레이의 광저우 라인도 발광재료 사용량 확대에 기여할 전망이다.

2020년 발광재료 시장은 14.1억 달러 규모로 2019년 대비 10% 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 삼성 디스플레이의 발광재료 구매액이 전체 중 50% 이상을 차지할 것으로 예상되는 가운데, 엘지 디스플레이가 20%, BOE가 10% 중반 수준으로 뒤를 이을 것으로 예상된다.

Idemitsu Kosan and Toray, Signed on technical cooperation agreement for joint development of new OLED materials


On September 26, 2017, Idemitsu Kosan and Toray, specializing in OLED light emitting materials, signed on a new technology cooperation agreement to jointly develop OLED materials.

Toray and Idemitsu Kosan are expected to collaborate on the development and evaluation of new materials through the mutual use of OLED materials and expertise from both companies. The two companies will jointly use evaluation facilities and production facilities, and said they hope this technical cooperation agreement will accelerate the development of OLED materials and enable low-cost production.

Idemitsu Kosan is developing OLED emitter materials and hole transport materials and Toray is focusing on electron transport materials based on proprietary molecular design technology.

According to UBi Research, upon the active investment of Korea and China in OLED mobile devices and TVs, the light emitting material market is expected to reach $ 960 million in 2017 and $ 33.6 billion in 2021.

It is expected whether this technical cooperation agreement between Idemitsu Kosan and Toray could contribute to the development of the OLED display industry and the commercialization of more advanced OLED materials.

CYNORA, significant progress in blue materials for OLEDs…EQE 16.3%

Source : CYNORA

Source : CYNORA

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter / jjoo@olednet.com

CYNORA, a leader in TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) materials, has made significant progress in its highly efficient blue material developments during the last 6 months: a strong indicator for reaching performance levels requested by the OLED industry.

CYNORA has been working on organic TADF emitting materials during the last 5 years.

Since 2015, CYNORA applies its experience to develop pure organic highly efficient blue dopants for vacuum deposition.

The TADF technology combines high efficiency (3 times better than the state-of-the-art fluorescence technology) together with long lifetime.

OLED displaysincorporating blue TADF materials will reduce power consumption up to a factor of 2.

CYNORA has developed deep blue material reaching an EQE of 16.3% (at 100 cd/m2) compared to 3% reached in October 2015, a factor 5 improvement in six months. In parallel, the company is using sky blue material to improve the device lifetime.

A significant increase in the lifetime to more than 400 h (LT50, 500 cd/m2) has recently been achieved from a level of a few minutes in last October.

“We have yet to reach the performances requested by the OLED display industry” says Thomas Baumann, CYNORA’s CSO, “but our rapid progress during the last 6 months proves our capability to reach the performance levels we have defined together with our key customers to support their technical roadmap. We will use the coming months to combine both efficiency and lifetime in a single deep blue material.”

CYNORA owns a broad IP portfolio on TADF with over 100 patent families and is aiming for over 600 patents.

UDC’s 2015 OLED Emitting Materials Revenue $ 113 million, a 11% Decrease…Still Leading Market

Source : UDC

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter / jjoo@olednet.com

UDC (Universal Display) that is dominating the global OLED emitting materials market, recorded 11% reduced OLED emitting materials revenue in 2015 compared to 2014. Despite the decreased revenue, it maintained its top place in the market.

According to 2016 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report, published by UBI Research, UDC recorded approximately $ 113 million in 2015 OLED emitting materials revenue. In 2014, this company’s OLED emitting materials revenue recorded $ 127 million and led the global market, and maintained its position in 2015.

In particular, this company is a dominating presence in dopant materials sector. In 2015, UDC occupied 82% of the dopant materials sector, and the rest of the companies share the remaining 18%. Based on the phosphorescent patents, it is supplying phosphorescent red and green dopant to Samsung Display and LG Display.

Following UDC’s top place in 2015 global OLED emitting materials market in terms of revenue, Idemitsu Kosan ranked 2nd, and this was followed by Novaled, Dow Chem., and Samsung SDI. In 2013, Dow Chem. was at the top of the market, but since 2014 UDC overtook the leadership. In 2016, LG Display’s OLED TV mass production line operation rate, materials structure of Galaxy Note series to be mass produced in H2, and other factors are expected to affect the OLED emitting materials market.

UDC is scheduled to announce 2016 Q1 performance on 5 May (local time).


LG Display, strategic partnership for OLED business with Japanese firm Idemitsu Kosan

LG Display (CEO Sang-beom Han, 韓相範 / www.lgdisplay.com) and OLED materials firm Idemitsu Kosan (CEO 月岡隆, Takashi Tsukioka, hereinafter “Idemitsu”) entered into the agreement on the 11th about the ‘mutual cooperation concerning OLED technology and related patent license’ to further strengthen their competitiveness in the OLED industry.


In 1997, Idemitsu developed what was then the world’s brightest blue light organic emitting material for OLED and since then, every effort has been made to develop high-tech OLED materials and diverse device technologies based on its own molecular design and organic synthesis technologies. Consequently, Idemitsu Kosan, the original OLED material technology firm of a top global level possesses numerous major patents in relation to the OLED technology.


Through this strategic partnership, LG Display will be accessible to the excellent OLED materials and device structures of the Idemitsu Kosan which will lead to consolidate the research, product development and production of the OLED for TV and flexible OLED, and this eventually will accelerate the expansion of OLED market. By providing high performance OLED materials to the LG Display and collaborating in terms of technology development and commercialization, Idemitsu Kosan is expected to secure leading global clients in the display field.


The industry prospects that the two companies have made a chance to perform sound leadership by maximizing the synergy in the OLED business through this partnership.


Sang-deok Yeo, president of LG Display OLED Business unit said that, “Through the latest partnership, LG Display is to gain momentum to create OLED TV market on the basis of the OLED related patents of Idemitsu Kosan as well as accelerate the developments of flexible and transparent OLEDs” and added that “This win-win collaborative relationship is expected to have a huge synergy effect on OLED business for both companies.”