가상(VR)·증강현실(AR)이 선택한 ‘OLED 디스플레이’

최근 4차 산업혁명을 주도하고 있는 가상·증강현실 기기에 OLED 디스플레이를 채용함으로써, LCD에 비해 응답속도가 빠르고 풍부한 색감과 높은 명암비 구현이 가능해짐에 따라, 사용자는 보다 현실감 있고 생동감 넘치는 영상을 체험할 수 있게 되었다.
가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이는 게임, 광고, 교육 등 전 산업 분야에 걸쳐 폭넓게 활용되고 있으며, 이에 따라 관련 출원이 최근 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

특허청에 따르면, 가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이의 출원은 매년 증가 추세에 있으며, 특히 최근 3년간 관련 출원이 크게 증가한 것으로 나타났다.

<가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 출원 동향, 출처: 특허청>

최근 연도별 출원 현황을 보면, 2014년 240건, 2015년 263건, 2016년 439건으로, 2014년을 기점으로 가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 기술에 관한 출원 건은 급격히 증가하였다.

가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 분야 출원이 최근에 증가한 이유는 가상·증강현실 기기의 본격적인 대중화를 위한 선결 과제로 해상도와 응답속도, 활용성, 착용감, 가격 등 다양한 조건들의 발전이 요구되고 있는데, OLED 디스플레이는 실감나는 영상을 구현할 수 있고, 플렉시블 설계가 용이하다는 점에서 기존의 LCD에 비해 이러한 니즈를 월등하게 충족할 수 있기 때문인 것으로 보인다.

또한, 2020년 기준으로 가상·증강현실 시장 규모가 약 800억 달러로 크게 증가될 것이라는 전망에 비추어 볼 때, 가상·증강현실 기기에 적합한 OLED 디스플레이가 플렉시블, 롤러블, 벤더블 및 스트레쳐블 디스플레이 형태로 다양하게 개발됨에 따라 가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 기술에 관한 출원의 증가 추세는 지속될 것으로 예상된다.

가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 기술에 관한 출원인별 출원 현황(2007년 ~ 2016년)은 대기업 774건(60%), 중견·중소기업 142건(11%), 대학‧연구기관 72건(6%), 개인 70건(5%)을 출원하였고, 외국인이 237건(18%)을 출원한 것으로 조사되었다.

주요 출원 업체별로는 엘지전자 465건, 삼성전자 216건, 마이크로소프트사 51건, 삼성디스플레이 29건, 에스케이플래닛 20건, 퀄컴 17건, 엘지디스플레이 17건 순으로 집계되어, 가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 관련 기술이 국내 기업에 의해 주도되고 있음을 알 수 있다.

가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이의 응용분야별 출원 현황을 보면 개인용 엔터테인먼트(게임, 테마파크, 체험관) 426건, 국방(전쟁 시뮬레이션, 무기개발, 전투기 조종) 169건, 광고 141건, 의료(3차원 시뮬레이션, 가상 내시경, 모의수술) 131건, 헬스케어 123건, 영화 117건 등으로 나타나, 가상·증강현실용 OLED 디스플레이 기술은 게임과 국방 산업 분야에 가장 활발히 활용되고 있음을 알 수 있다.

특허청 김종찬 디스플레이기기심사팀장은 “TV나 휴대폰과 같은 개인용 제품 중심으로 발달한 OLED 디스플레이는 뛰어난 영상제공 능력을 기반으로 가상·증강현실 뿐만 아니라 새로운 산업분야로 활용 영역의 확장이 예상되며, 아울러 OLED 디스플레이의 수명 연장 및 사용 온도 범위 확대 등 성능 향상 과제를 해결하기 위한 기술과 관련된 출원이 증가할 것으로 예상된다.”고 전망했다.
특허청은 OLED 디스플레이 분야의 특허경쟁력 강화를 위하여, 산업계와 특허청 간의 소통과 협력의 일환으로『IP Together』행사를 정기적으로 개최해 왔으며, ‘개정 특허법 설명회’ 등을 통해 관련 정보를 지속적으로 제공해 나갈 계획이다.

한편, 유비리서치가 발간한 ‘AR과 VR용 디스플레이 시장 보고서’에 따르면 AR과 VR용 OLED는 2017년 260만개 출하되어 52%의 시장 점유율을 차지할 것으로 예상하였으며, 2021년에는 5,200만개 출하되어 80%의 시장 점유율을 차지할 것으로 전망하였다.


<AR과 VR용 디스플레이 타입별 출하량 전망, 출처: 유비리서치>

‘OLED display’ selected by virtual (VR) · Augmented Reality (AR)

By adopting OLED display in virtual and augmented reality devices, which are leading the fourth industrial revolution in recent years, users can experience more realistic and lively images with faster response time, richer color and higher contrast ratio comparing to LCD.
OLED displays for virtual and augmented reality have been widely used in all industries including games, advertising, and education, and related applications have recently been actively pursued.

According to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the filing of OLED display for virtual and augmented reality is on an increasing trend each year, in particular, the number of related applications has greatly increased over the last 3 years.

<OLED display application trend for virtual and augmented reality, Source: Korean Intellectual Property Office>

According to the recent filing status by year, there are 240 applications in 2014, 263 in 2015, and 439 in 2016, and applications for OLED display technologies for virtual and augmented reality have increased rapidly from 2014.

The reason for the recent increase in applications for virtual and augmented reality OLED display fields is that the development of various conditions such as resolution, response time, usability, comfort, and price is required as a preliminary task for popularization of virtual and augmented reality devices and OLED displays can realize realistic images and are easy to design with flexibility, which is why they can meet these needs much better than existing LCDs.

Also, given the prospect that the virtual and augmented reality market will increase to about $ 80 billion by 2020, OLED displays suitable for virtual and augmented reality devices are being developed in various forms such as flexible, rollable, bendable, and stretchable displays, and it is expected that applications for OLED display technology for virtual and augmented reality will continue to increase accordingly.

For the filing status of OLED display technology for virtual and augmented reality (2007 ~ 2016),  there are 774 cases (60%) of large companies, 142 cases (11%) of medium and small-sized companies, 72 cases (6%) of universities and research institutes, 70 individual cases (5%)  237 foreigner cases (18%).

By major application companies, 465 cases of LG Electronics, 216 cases of Samsung Electronics, 51 cases of Microsoft Corporation, 29 cases of Samsung Display, 20 cases of SK Planet, 17 cases of Qualcomm, 17 cases of LG Display, It can be seen that related technology is dominated by domestic companies.

As for the status of OLED display application field for virtual and augmented reality applications, there are 426 cases of personal entertainment (game, theme park, experience), 169 cases of defense (war simulation, weapons development, fighter pilot), 141 cases of advertisement, 131 cases of medical treatment (3D simulation, virtual endoscopy, simulation), 123 cases of healthcare, 117 movies, etc., indicating that OLED display technologies for virtual and augmented reality are most actively used in the game and defense industries.

“OLED displays, which are developed mainly for personal use products such as TVs and mobile phones, are expected to expand into new industries as well as virtual and augmented reality based on their superior image presentation capabilities,” said Kim Jong-Chan, head of the screening team in the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO). In addition, we expect to see increased applications related to technologies to address performance improvement challenges, such as extending the life of OLED displays and extending the operating temperature range. “.
In order to strengthen the patent competitiveness of OLED display field, KIPO has regularly held “IP Together” event as part of communication and cooperation between industry and patent office, and will continue to provide related information through the “Revised Patent Law Seminar”.

On the other hand, according to the ‘Display Market Report for AR and VR’ published by UBi Research, OLED for AR and VR are expected to be shipped by 2.6 million units in 2017, accounting for 52% of the market share and 52 million units in 2021 accounting for 80% of the market share.

<Shipment forecast by display type for AR and VR, Source: UBI Research>


스트레처블(stretchable) OLED 상용화 앞당겨진다.

삼성전자와 LG전자는 2013년부터 플렉시블(flexible) OLED를 적용한 스마트폰과 스마트워치를 꾸준히 출시하고 있으며, 중국의 가전업체에서도 이를 적용한 제품들을 하나 둘 내놓기 시작했다. 특히 스마트폰 업계의 선두 주자인 Apple도 플렉시블 OLED를 적용한 iPhone 출시를 눈앞에 두고 있어 플렉시블 OLED 시장은 더욱 커질 전망이다.

플렉시블 OLED의 형태는 향후 벤더블(bendable)을 지나 폴더블(foldable), 롤러블(rollable)로 변화될 것으로 예상되었다. 그러나 최근 디스플레이 업계가 이를 뛰어넘고 스트레처블(stretchable) OLED 개발에 나서고 있어 소비자의 관심이 집중되고 있다.


<OLED 개발 로드맵, 출처: 유비리서치>


스트레처블 OLED는 플렉시블 OLED가 최종적으로 진화한 형태로서 고무줄처럼 신축성을 가지는 OLED를 의미한다.

삼성디스플레이는 이러한 스트레처블 OLED를 SID 2017에서 공개하였다. 삼성디스플레이의 스트레처블 OLED는 9.1 inch로 convex와 concave 형태 모두 구현이 가능하다. 당시 삼성디스플레이는 concave 형태에서 최대 12 mm로 화면이 늘어나면서도 기존의 화질은 그대로 유지하는 기술을 세계 최초로 구현했다고 밝힌 바 있다.


<삼성디스플레이가 전시한 9.1 inch stretchable OLED, 출처: 삼성디스플레이>


LG디스플레이도 스트레처블 OLED를 개발할 예정이다. LG디스플레이는 지난 6일고려대와의 컨소시엄을 통해 20% 이상 신축성을 갖는 백플레인과 발광 화소용 소재, 소자, 공정 원천기술을 총 4년동안 개발할 예정이라 발표하였다.

뿐만 아니라 LG디스플레이는 신축성 플라스틱 기판 소재, 신축성 배선금속과 투명전극 소재, 신축성 유기발광 소재, 신축성 봉지 소재 등을 개발하고, 저온 공정이 가능한 TFT(thin film transistor)와 공정 구조(process architecture) 등을 포함하는 필수 공정기술도 함께 확보할 예정이라 덧붙였다.

현재 스트레처블 관련 기술은 아직 양산에 적용하기 어렵거나 연신율이 5% 남짓에 불과하고 반복 스트레칭 횟수도 제한되어 있다. 또한, 원천 기술은 대부분 해외에 있어 삼성디스플레이와 LG디스플레이의 이러한 행보는 후발주자와의 기술격차를 확고히 다지는 계기가 될 것으로 예상된다.

스트레처블 OLED는 형태의 제약이 없어 상용화 될 시 기존의 스마트폰이나 태블릿 의류, 인간의 피부 등 다양한 분야에 적용되어 기존과는 새로운 영역의 application을 창출해 낼 것으로 기대되고 있다.

Stretchable OLED commercialization is on the rise

Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics have steadily been releasing smartphones and smart watches using flexible OLED since 2013, and electronics companies in China have begun to put out one of them. In particular, Apple, the leader in the smartphone industry, is also seeing the launch of iPhone with flexible OLED, and the flexible OLED market is expected to grow further.

The shape of the flexible OLED was expected to be changed to foldable and rollable beyond the bendable. Recently, however, the display industry has surpassed this trend and has been focusing on the development of stretchable OLEDs.


<Development Roadmap of OLED, Source: Ubi Research>


A stretchable OLED is a type of a flexible OLED that is finally evolves, which means OLED having elasticity as like rubber band.


Samsung Display unveiled this stretchable OLED at SID 2017. Samsung Display’s stretchable OLED is 9.1 inch and implementable both convex and concave shapes. At the time, Samsung Display announced that it realized the world’s first technology to maintain the existing image quality while increasing the screen size to 12 mm in concave mode.


<9.1 inch stretchable OLED displayed by Samsung Display, Source: Samsung Display>


LG Display will also develop the stretchable OLED. LG Display announced on June 6 that it will develop backplane and photoluminescence materials, devices, and process source technologies with elasticity of more than 20% for a total of four years through a consortium with Korea University.


In addition, LG Display has developed flexible plastic substrate materials, flexible wiring materials and transparent electrode materials, stretchable organic light emitting materials, and flexible encapsulates, they will also acquire essential process technologies including thin film transistors (TFTs) and process architectures that enable low-temperature processing.


At present, stretchable related technology is not yet applied to production, or elongation is only about 5%, and the number of repeated stretching is limited. In addition, most of the source technology is in overseas, it is expected that Samsung Display and LG Display will be able to secure technological gap with latecomers.

Stretchable OLED is free of form restrictions and expected to produce applications in new areas when applied to a variety of applications such as smart phones, tablets clothes and human skin when they are commercialized.

[SID 2016] Tianma Flexible OLED

Tianma is showcasing 5.5“ Flexible OLED at SID 2016

Tianma, Display, OLED, Bendable, SID, SID 2016, Flexible OLED

[IWFPE 2015] AUO’s Bendable AMOLED

During the IWFPE 2015 (November 4-6) held in Jeonju, South Korea, AUO gave a presentation on bendable AMOLED’s concept and technology first revealed in August.


AUO’s R&D manager Terence Lai reported that the bendable AMOELD can actualize new user interface through applying display’s bending characteristics and this can be the innovation that could change the existing touch interface.


AUO’s bendable AMOLED is 5inch with 295 PPI using the LTPS TFT and hybrid encapsulation with top emission structure. It has 02.mm thickness and through bending sensor of file type, it can process diverse functions by detecting different bending directions.


Current flexible AMOLED trend is moving from curved to foldable, jumping past bendable. Key panel companies and research laboratories are focusing on developing foldable.


It is anticipated that the AUO’s bendable AMOLED panel will provide new direction for the flexible AMOLED development that is heading toward foldable. Development of applications suitable to bendable and functions that utilizes bending characteristics are expected to be key issues.


AUO's 5" Bendable AMOLED Prototype

AUO’s 5″ Bendable AMOLED Prototype

[IWFPE 2015] AUO의 Bendable AMOLED

AUO가 전주에서 열린 IWFPE 2015에서 지난 8월에 공개한 bendable AMOLED의 컨셉과 기술에 대해 발표했다.

발표자인 AUO의 R&D manager Terence Lai는 “Bendable AMOLED는 display의 bending 특성을 활용하여 새로운 user interface를 구현할 수 있으며, 기존의 터치 인터페이스를 변화시키는 혁신이 될 수 있다.”라고 발표하였다.

AUO의 bendable AMOLED는 5인치, 295 PPI이며, LTPS TFT와 hybrid encapsulation을 적용했으며 top emission 구조이다. 두께는 0.2mm이며 file type의 bending sensor를 적용하여 bending의 방향에 따라 다양한 기능을 할 수 있다.

현재 Flexible AMOLED는 curved에서 bendable을 건너뛰고 foldable로 가는 트랜드로 주요 panel업체들과 연구소에서 foldable 위주의 개발이 진행되고 있다.

AUO가 공개한 bendable AMOLED panel이 foldable로 직행하는 flexible AMOLED 개발 트렌드에 새로운 방향을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, bendable에 적합한 application과 bending 특성을 활용한 기능 개발이 이슈가 될 것으로 분석된다.

AUO's 5" bendable AMOLED prototype

AUO’s 5″ bendable AMOLED prototype