How will Samsung Electronics secure its premium TV market share?

Choog Hoon Yi, president of UBI Research, presented about the issues and predictions for 2018 premium TV market at the seminar on the OLED market review in the first half of the year, held by UBI Research on June 28.

He said “The TV demand for 60 inches or more will be expanded from 12 million units in 2016 to 33 million units in 2021 as the investment for Gen10.5 will be increased and therefore the cost for panels will be decreased.

TV prices are expected to decline in 2018 as panel prices fall. In case of Samsung Electronics, TV shipments in the first quarter of 2018 declined 4% YoY to 9.7million units, which led to an operating profit of 4% in its VD division. This is 10% lower than the operating profit of LG Electronics’ HE division.

Lee mentioned ” Samsung Electronics is expected to focus on securing operating profits even if its sales are down. Therefore, they will concentrate on promoting mega-sized products over 65 inches.”

Currently, Samsung plans to use QD-OLED as a TV panel to increase its market share in the premium TV market. QD-OLED is a technology that uses blue OLED as a light source and the light passes through a quantum dot color filter (QDCF) to realize red and green colors.

Lee added that “The success factor of QD-OLED is to be the production of 8K OLED panel of 65 inch or above, but the saturation of premium TV market due to the early investment of LG Display’s 10.5 generation OLED will be a threat.

According to the ‘2018 OLED Emitting Material Industry Report’ published by UBI Research in April, since the QD-OLED is top emission type, the aperture ratio is increased by about 70% compared to the bottom emission, which emits light in the TFT direction. Thus, it is more advantageous to implement 8K resolution and high luminance than the existing WRGB OLED. In addition, it is expected that it will be possible to reach BT.2020, UHD color standard, by using QD material with high color recall rate as color filter.

<The structure of Original WRGB OLED (left) and QD-OLED (right). Source: UBI Research>

Meanwhile, UBI Research predicted that OLED TV sales would grow by about 30% annually to about US$ 5.7 billion in 2022.

삼성전자가 프리미엄 TV 시장 점유율을 확보하기 위해서는?

지난 28일 유비리서치가 개최한 ‘상반기 OLED 시장 결산 세미나’에서 이충훈 대표는 2018 프리미엄 TV 시장 이슈와 전망을 발표하였다.

이충훈 대표는 60 inch 이상의 TV수요에 대해 ’2016년 1200만대에서 2021년 3300만대까지 확대될 것’이며, ‘이는 Gen10.5의 투자가 증가함에 따라 패널의 가격이 하락하기 때문이다’고 설명했다.

2018년은 패널 가격이 하락하면서 TV가격도 하락할 전망이다. 삼성전자의 경우 2018년 1사분기 TV 출하량은 970만대로 전년 동기 대비 4% 감소하여 삼성전자의 VD 사업부 영업이익은 4% 수준에 머물렀다. LG전자의 HE 사업부 영업이익 대비 10%나 낮다.

이 대표는 ‘삼성전자는 매출이 줄어도 영업이익 확보를 우선시 할 것으로 예상됨에 따라, 65 inch 이상의 초대형 크기 제품 프로모션에 집중할 것’이라 언급했다.

현재 삼성전자는 프리미엄 TV시장에서의 점유율을 높이고자 QD-OLED를 TV panel로 이용할 계획이다. QD-OLED는 blue OLED를 광원으로 사용하고 그 빛이 QDCF(quantum dot color filter)를 통과하여 red와 green 색을 구현하는 기술이다.

이 대표는 QD-OLED의 성공 요소로는 65 inch 이상 8K OLED panel 생산 등이라 말한 반면, LG디스플레이의 10.5세대 OLED 조기 투자로 인한 프리미엄 TV시장 포화가 위협 요소로 작용될 것이라 언급했다.

유비리서치가 4월 발간한 ‘2018 OLED 발광재료 산업 보고서’에 따르면, QD-OLED는 top emission 방식이기 때문에 TFT 방향으로 빛이 방출되는 bottom emission 대비 개구율이 약 70% 증가되어 8K 해상도와 고휘도 구현이 기존 WRGB OLED보다 유리하다. 또한, 색재현율이 높은 QD 재료를 color filter로 사용하여 UHD 색 규격인 BT. 2020에 도달이 가능할 것으로 예상된다.

<기존 WRGB OLED(좌)와 QD-OLED(우) 구조, 출처: 유비리서치>

한편, 유비리서치는 OLED TV의 매출액은 연평균 약 30% 증가하여 2022년 약 57억 달러 규모가 될 것이라 전망하였다.

How will Samsung Electronics secure its premium TV market share?

Choog Hoon Yi, president of UBI Research, presented about the issues and predictions for 2018 premium TV market at the seminar on the OLED market review in the first half of the year, held by UBI Research on June 28.

He said “The TV demand for 60 inches or more will be expanded from 12 million units in 2016 to 33 million units in 2021 as the investment for Gen10.5 will be increased and therefore the cost for panels will be decreased.

TV prices are expected to decline in 2018 as panel prices fall. In case of Samsung Electronics, TV shipments in the first quarter of 2018 declined 4% YoY to 9.7million units, which led to an operating profit of 4% in its VD division. This is 10% lower than the operating profit of LG Electronics’ HE division.

Lee mentioned ” Samsung Electronics is expected to focus on securing operating profits even if its sales are down. Therefore, they will concentrate on promoting mega-sized products over 65 inches.”

Currently, Samsung plans to use QD-OLED as a TV panel to increase its market share in the premium TV market. QD-OLED is a technology that uses blue OLED as a light source and the light passes through a quantum dot color filter (QDCF) to realize red and green colors.

Lee added that “The success factor of QD-OLED is to be the production of 8K OLED panel of 65 inch or above, but the saturation of premium TV market due to the early investment of LG Display’s 10.5 generation OLED will be a threat.

According to the ‘2018 OLED Emitting Material Industry Report’ published by UBI Research in April, since the QD-OLED is top emission type, the aperture ratio is increased by about 70% compared to the bottom emission, which emits light in the TFT direction. Thus, it is more advantageous to implement 8K resolution and high luminance than the existing WRGB OLED. In addition, it is expected that it will be possible to reach BT.2020, UHD color standard, by using QD material with high color recall rate as color filter.

<The structure of Original WRGB OLED (left) and QD-OLED (right). Source: UBI Research>

Meanwhile, UBI Research predicted that OLED TV sales would grow by about 30% annually to about US$ 5.7 billion in 2022.