Samsung Electronics Announces Earnings Guidance for 1Q 2016

Samsung Electronics announced its earnings guidance for the first quarter of 2016(Source=Samsung Electronic)

Samsung Electronics announced its earnings guidance for the first quarter of 2016(Source=Samsung Electronic)

Hyunjoo Kang /

Samsung Electronics announced its earnings guidance for the first quarter of 2016.

  • Consolidated Sales: Approximately 49.0 trillion Korean won
  • ŸConsolidated Operating Profit: Approximately 6.6 trillion Korean won

The above figures are estimates of consolidated earnings based on K-IFRS. Korean disclosure regulations do not allow earnings estimates to be provided as a range. Therefore, the above figures are based on the median of the earnings estimate range, as given below.

  • ŸSales:  48.0 ~ 50.0 trillion Korean won
  • Operating Profit: 6.5 ~ 6.7 trillion Korean won

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