Dramatic Growth of Automotive OLED Lighting Panel …To Exceed Down Lighting in 2019

With the Forecast of Continued growth of OLED Lighting Panel Market, Automotive Lighting Market is Rapidly Growing ( Picture Source = Novaled )
Hyunjoo Kang / jjoo@olednet.com
With the forecast of continued rapid growth of OLED lighting panel market, automotive OLED lighting panel in particular is expected to lead the market.
According to 2016 OLED Lighting Annual Report, published by UBI Research on 8 August, the global automotive OLED lighting panel market this year is only USD 3 million. However, the market is estimated to rapidly grow from 2017 and record USD 296 million in 2019, and exceed indoor OLED lighting panel market. The 2019 indoor OLED lighting ( down lighting ) panel market is expected to be USD 183 million.
Furthermore, in 2020, the automotive OLED lighting panel market is estimated to record USD 821 million and widen the gap with indoor OLED lighting market and its USD 494 million. From then on, the indoor OLED lighting market is estimated to show impressive growth and move past automotive sector sales from 2023. However, the automotive sector is expected to occupy major areas of OLED lighting market along with the indoor sector.
OLED is receiving much attention as automotive lighting panel due to advantages such as diverse designs and being less harmful to human eyes. The fact that curved design is possible with OLED is a particular merit for an automotive lighting. In fact, UBI Research estimates that flexible OLED within automotive OLED lighting market will maintain its 75% or higher market share in future.
UBI Research explained that as flexible is possible with OLED, there are many advantages in terms of design in automotive indoor lighting, and taillights. He added that with thinner and freer curved designs, the OLED lighting can be applied to anywhere in cars and this will become a new differentiation point for automotive companies.
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