OLED enabling various styling and designs is perfect to lighting for automobiles

Applications of various lighting such as LED and OLED etc. have been expanded so as to implement unique designs and diversified functions of own brand by each automotive company as well as developments of automotive industry including smart-car and connected-car etc. are being made at the same time. In this regard, Center Head Ju Jae-young of Korea Photonics Technology Institute stated current situation by saying “Lighting for vehicles belongs to the business which expects profitability, but it is not easy for late starters to break in because entry barrier is high from characteristics of automotive industry. Ultimately, whether to stimulate purchase desires is important.” Also, he counted ‘styling possibilities’ as one of successful LED lighting by saying “The reason of getting more popularity of LED than existing halogen and HID is derived from the fact that LED has strong points in designs.”

And then, the Head forecasted like “The exterior deco of lamp market for automobiles overtook the interior deco market from the start of 2013, and 3.1B USB market will be made in 2019 by achieving annual 11.6% growth in average to 2019 from 2014,” and said “The exterior deco market will grow up over 15% annually, and DRL (Daytime Running Lamp) and Head lamp are leading market due to their high growth rates.”

Besides, Center Head Ju Jae-young stated “In order to enter market by OLED, it has to stimulate purchase desires with new designs which do not substitute LED simply,” and added “There are possibilities if designs are unique, and stimulate sensitivity like Fun- VII concept car of Toyota or lighting of Chrysler having been disclosed to the public in 2013.”


<Fun Vii Concept Car of Toyota Source: Toyota official homepage>


<Floating island bezel unveiled from Chrysler, Source: www.metrododgedeals.com>

Like this, OLED is thin, light and can be bended characteristically, and has strong points such like free designs are available, so it is getting a lot of interests as next-generation illuminants including indoor lighting etc. as well as lighting for vehicles. According to 2016 OLED lighting annual report having been published in August 2016 by UBi RESEARCH, it explains that OLED lighting is known to display same performance with LED in R&D levels regarding characteristics of brightness and lifetime etc. as eco-friendly lighting and having high energy-efficiency, thus OLED seems to have sufficient competitiveness only if requested brightness is satisfied along with each automotive company.

Display for automobiles, newly expected revenue sources of OLED

Display market for global automobiles has continued stable growth of approximately 10% yearly recently, and LG Display and Samsung Display do not save investments by paying attention to it as new application. In this regard, Senior Researcher Yang Seong-jin of LG Economic Research Institute lighted up the entry reason of display for automobiles such like creating effects of new revenue are anticipated.

Senior Researcher Yang said “Display market for automobiles has 10% volume of the whole display market and belongs to 2% levels of total cost, but automotive industry has been developed steadily through smart-car and connected-car etc. In contrast, display market has been withered gradually, and panel prices are being lowered continuously, and thus it is directly connecting to survival matters actually.” While stating display market for automobiles as an alternative for this problem, he revealed the reason by saying “The number of participating companies is a few, and average price of display panels for automobiles to which thorough commercialization is required is higher than mobile phone or tablet pc two or three times.”

In display market for automobiles, Innolux and AUO, CPT, Japan display, Sharp occupied about 70% of total market based on 2015 sales of Taiwan, and LG Display recorded 10% share uniquely in domestic, but Samsung Display, second mover, failed in entering ranks. However, LG Display announced a plan that they were planning to enter the market with POLED to which flexible function was available after having designated display for automobiles as a promotion business, and Samsung Display was known to set up a policy of progressing differentiation strategies on display for automobiles based on small& medium OLED technology, so market share is expected to be increased little by little.


<LG Display/Flexible Automotive Display, SID 2015>

In the display market having been stagnated currently, concentration on display market for automobiles would be resultantly necessary for high profits, and OLED panel could get opportunities of creating new revenue sources by overpassing mobile and tablet pc market, if OLED panel solves demanding requirements of display for automobiles.

다양한 스타일링과 디자인이 가능한 OLED가 차량용 조명에 제격

최근 smart-car, connected-car 등 자동차 산업이 발전함과 동시에, 각 자동차 업체들은 자사 브랜드만의 독특한 디자인과 다양한 기능을 구현하기 위해 LED OLED 등 다양한 조명의 적용을 확대하고 있다. 이에 대해 한국광기술원 주재영 센터장은 “차량용 조명은 수익성이 기대되는 사업이나, 자동차 산업의 특성상 진입 장벽이 높아 후발 주자가 끼어들기 쉽지 않다. 결국에는 구매욕구를 자극할 수 있냐가 중요하다라며 현 상황에 대해 언급했다. 또한, LED가 기존의 할로겐과 HID보다 인기를 끌 수 있었던 이유는 디자인에 강점이 있었기 때문이라고 말하며 LED 조명의 성공 요인 중 하나로 ‘styling possibilities’를 꼽았다.

이어서, “2013년 기점으로 차량용 램프 시장은 외장이 내장 시장을 추월하였으며, 2014년부터 2019년 까지 연 평균 11.6%의 성장을 하여 2019년에는 3.1B USB의 시장이 될 것으로 예측하며, 특히 외장 시장은 매년 15% 이상으로 성장할 것이며, DRL(Daytime running Lamp) Head lamp 성장율이 높아 시장을 선도 하고 있다라고 말했다.

또한 주재영 센터장은 “OLED가 시장에 진입하기 위해서는 LED를 단순히 대체하는 것이 아닌 새로운 디자인으로써 구매 욕구를 자극해야 한다라고 언급하며, “Toyota fun-VII 컨셉카, 또는 2013년에 공개 된 Crysler의 조명과 같이 독특하고 감성을 자극하는 디자인이면 가능성이 있다라고 말했다.


<Toyota의 Fun Vii 컨셉카, 출처 : 도요타 공식 홈페이지>



<Chrysler에서 선보인 floating island bezel, 출처 : www.metrododgedeals.com>

이처럼 OLED는 얇고 가벼우며 구부릴 수 있는 특성이 있어 자유로운 디자인이 가능하다는 장점이 있어 차량용 조명뿐만 아니라 실내 조명 등 차세대 광원으로써 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 유비산업리서치에서 2016 8월에 발간 된 2016 OLED lighting annual report에 따르면, OLED 조명은 친환경적이고 높은 에너지효율을 가진 조명으로써 휘도와 수명 등의 특성이 R&D 수준에서는 LED와 동등한 성능을 보이고 있는 것으로 알려져 있기에, 각 차량업체들과 요구하는 휘도만 만족한다면 차량용 디스플레이로써 충분한 경쟁력을 가질 것으로 보인다.


자동차용 디스플레이, OLED의 새로운 수익창출원이 될 것으로 기대

최근 글로벌 자동차용 디스플레이 시장은 매년 약 10%대의 안정적인 성장을 이어가고 있으며, 이에 따라 LG디스플레이와 삼성디스플레이가 새로운 어플리케이션으로써 주목하고 투자를 아끼지 않고 있다. 이에 대해 양성진 LG경제연구원 책임연구원은 기업들의 자동차용 디스플레이 진입 이유로 새로운 수익 창출 효과가 기대되기 때문이라고 밝혔다.

양성진 책임연구원은 자동차용 디스플레이 시장은 디스플레이 전체 시장의 10%의 규모고 자동차 전체 원가의 2% 수준이나, smart-car connected-car의 개발 등 자동차 산업은 꾸준히 발전하고 있다. 이에 반해, 디스플레이 시장은 점점 위축되어가고 있으며 패널 가격 역시 꾸준히 하락되고 있기에 생존 문제로 직결 되고 있는 실정이다라고 말했다. 이에 대한 대안 중 하나로 자동차용 디스플레이 시장을 언급하며 참여 기업이 적고 철저한 customization이 필요한 자동차용 디스플레이 패널의 평균 가격이 mobile phone이나 tablet pc에 비해 2~3배 높기 때문이다라고 그 이유를 밝혔다.

자동차용 디스플레이 시장은 대만의 2015년 매출액 기준으로 Innolux AUO, CPT, 일본의 Japan display, Sharp가 전체 시장의 약 70%를 장악하고 있으며, 국내에서는 유일하게 LG디스플레이는 10%의 점유율을 기록하였으며 후발주자인 삼성디스플레이는 순위권 진입에 실패하였다. 하지만, LG디스플레이는 자동차용 디스플레이를 육성 사업의 하나로 지정하고 flexible이 가능한 POLED로 시장에 진입한다는 계획을 밝혔으며, 삼성디스플레이도 중소형 OLED 기술력을 바탕으로 자동차용 디스플레이의 차별화 전략을 전개한다는 방침을 세운 것으로 알려져 점유율 역시 점점 상승할 전망이다.


<LG디스플레이 Flexible Automotive Display, SID 2015>

현재 침체되어가고 있는 디스플레이 시장에서 고수익을 위해서는 결국 자동차용 디스플레이 시장에도 집중해야 할 것으로 보이며, OLED 패널이 자동차용 디스플레이의 까다로운 요구 조건 문제만 해결 된다면 mobile tablet pc 시장을 넘어 새로운 수익창출원을 맞이하는 기회가 될 것으로 보인다.

LG’s Plastic OLED, What’s Next?

LG Electronics showcased smart car related technology collaboration by supplying components for Gea. Gea, revealed by Italdesign Giugiaro on Mar 3 (Korean Time), in Geneva International Motor Show 2015 (Geneva Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland) is an autonomous luxury concept car.

LG Elec. and Italdesign’s concept car technology collaboration items are in-car display, tail lamp/camera, and IoT (linked with smart car).

For in-car display, 6 inch HD curved plastic OLED (P-OLED) was used in the front and rear console, and 12.3 inch full HD display was supplied for dashboard and CID (Center Information Display), and the passenger side. 19 inch LCD has been converted into to provide large screen for RSE (Rear Seat Entertainment). As thin and flexible design is possible with plastic OLED, it is suitable for the interior of a vehicle with its various formation. It is also appropriate for automotive display as advantages such as the high contrast ratio and fast response time reduce driver’s eye strain. Therefore, in-car display is estimated to be new application for OLED display in future.

Concept Car, Gea, a technology collaboration product between Italdesign of Volkswagen Group and LG Elec., The Geneva International Motor Show 2015   Source: LG Elec.

Concept Car, Gea, a technology collaboration product between Italdesign of Volkswagen Group and LG Elec., The Geneva International Motor Show 2015 Source: LG Elec.

<Concept Car, Gea, a technology collaboration product between Italdesign of Volkswagen Group and LG Elec., The Geneva International Motor Show 2015   Source: LG Elec.>

 LG Display, panel supplier of LG Elec., have made an announcement of their target to secure 30% of world’s market share in automotive display in 2018, and revenue of approx. US$ 2 billion. In CES 2015, held earlier in the year, they presented 13.1 inch automotive display and new 21.5 inch curved products for dashboard and CID. LG Display is planning to target automotive navigation/dashboard/entertainment display.