[OLED summit 2016] HDR contents- OLED TV, most suitable
Movie companies in Hollywood has begun to produce HDR contents since 2015, and recently so have media contents companies. Consequently HDR-supporting 4K TV becomes a center of attention in the market.
HDR is being applied to Samsung SUHD TV and LG OLED TV, as well as most 4KTV companies.
HDR applicability will be a daunting challenge for a premium TV.
At OLED summit 2016 LG Display proudly announced that OLED TV is the best to express HDR contents among existing TV sets in the market.

<Senior researcher Yu, SahngJin at LG Display>
Yu, SahngJin, the senior researcher at LG Display screen quality development team said, “the most critical component to express HDR is peak highlight and the most frequent peak highlight size in the HDR screen is less than 1% window size. In case of more than 1% window size, the peak brightness of QD-LCD is over 1,200nit, higher than OLED TV, however if it is reduced to 1% or less the peak brightness of QD-LCD is drastically reduced and for the 0.01% window size, approximately 100nit merely. OLED TV can express consistent peak brightness over 500nit on average in a less than 10% window size. Say HDR contents expression range is 100. QD-LCD TV is equivalent to 40 while OLED TV, 60, 20% better quality than QD-LCD to express HDR contents.” Certainly OLED TV is most suitable for HDR.
At the demonstration of OLED TV and QD-LCDTV, OLED TV stressed on the best screen quality ever in the existing market with the crystal clear presentation of black and other colors plus wide visual angle-.
QD-LCDTV is also being developed to express various and rich colors on TV screen but there is a limit of non-emissive display in BLU, which therefore presumably cannot exceed LG OLED TV screen quality.