Merck-Idemitsu Kosan Made An Agreement on OLED Materials

Merck and Idemitsu Kosan announced on November 7 that they made an agreement to use a part of patent rights of both companies’ OLED materials.

The two companies are the representative manufacturers of OLED materials with a long history of development and many patents while providing many clients with OLED materials.

This agreement was signed to develop long-durable and high-efficient OLED materials.

With this agreement, Merck and Idemitsu Kosan are able to develop, manufacture and sell OLED materials using some of each other’s patent rights under the stated terms, while focusing on R&D in high-performance OLED materials.

Besides, both companies announced that they will continue to discuss the scope expansion of their shared patent rights in order to secure more OLED markets.

Meanwhile, according to the OLED Emitting Material Annual Report published by UBI RESEARCH, the OLED material market is expected to grow at 46% each year on average between 2016 and 2021 and record US$ 4,323 million due to the production of newcomers and the expansion of the TV OLED panel market.


<OLED materials market prospect>(Source: UBI RESEARCH)

Merck-Idemitsu Kosan, OLED materials 관련 업무 협약 체결

MerckIdemitsu Kosan은 양사의 OLED materials 관련 특허권 일부를 공동 사용하는 업무 협약을 체결했다고 지난 7일 발표했다.

양사는 OLED materials을 양산하는 대표 업체로, 긴 개발 역사와 다수의 특허를 보유하고 있으며 현재 다양한 업체에 OLED materials을 공급하고 있다.

이번 협약은 긴 수명과 높은 효율을 가지는 OLED materials 개발하기 위해 마련됐다.

이를 통해 양사는 명시된 조건 하에 상대 기업의 특허권 일부를 활용하여 OLED materials을 개발에서부터 제조, 판매까지 할 수 있게 됨과 동시에 고성능 OLED materials 연구개발에 집중할 수 있게 됐다.

또한, 양사는 OLED 시장을 추가 확보하기 위해 특허권의 공동 사용 범위를 확대시키는 논의를 지속적으로 할 계획임을 밝혔다.

한편, 유비산업리서치가 발간한 2016 OLED Emitting Material Annual Report에 따르면, OLED material은 후발주자들의 본격적인 양산 시작과 TV OLED panel시장의 확대로 인하여 2016년부터 2021년까지 연평균 46% 성장하여 약 US$ 4,323 million의 규모가 될 것으로 전망했다.


<OLED materials 시장 전망, 출처: 유비산업리서치>


CYNORA, significant progress in blue materials for OLEDs…EQE 16.3%

Source : CYNORA

Source : CYNORA

Hyunjoo Kang / Reporter /

CYNORA, a leader in TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) materials, has made significant progress in its highly efficient blue material developments during the last 6 months: a strong indicator for reaching performance levels requested by the OLED industry.

CYNORA has been working on organic TADF emitting materials during the last 5 years.

Since 2015, CYNORA applies its experience to develop pure organic highly efficient blue dopants for vacuum deposition.

The TADF technology combines high efficiency (3 times better than the state-of-the-art fluorescence technology) together with long lifetime.

OLED displaysincorporating blue TADF materials will reduce power consumption up to a factor of 2.

CYNORA has developed deep blue material reaching an EQE of 16.3% (at 100 cd/m2) compared to 3% reached in October 2015, a factor 5 improvement in six months. In parallel, the company is using sky blue material to improve the device lifetime.

A significant increase in the lifetime to more than 400 h (LT50, 500 cd/m2) has recently been achieved from a level of a few minutes in last October.

“We have yet to reach the performances requested by the OLED display industry” says Thomas Baumann, CYNORA’s CSO, “but our rapid progress during the last 6 months proves our capability to reach the performance levels we have defined together with our key customers to support their technical roadmap. We will use the coming months to combine both efficiency and lifetime in a single deep blue material.”

CYNORA owns a broad IP portfolio on TADF with over 100 patent families and is aiming for over 600 patents.